I am currently trying to get accepted to be a part of my pharmacy school Chili Cook off Committee... there is so much interest to be a part of the planning committe we have to have a meeting and a selection process! So I need your girls help... At this meeting we have to list some of the things we want to see improved.. or more generally, what we bring to the table.
So heres the gist.. Every year we have a chili cook off where all the ohio state pharmacy alumni and local pharmacys and businesses come and pay to make chili and be judged on who has the best, hottest, most unique, etc.. It is a huge event and we raise alot of money for muscular dystrophy association. The only problem I saw with attending this year was that we have it in our pharmacy student lounge, and it is very small for the amount of people that attend, not quite sure why they dont have it somewhere else that could accomodate more people... i could definitely see this being successful on a much larger scale, but thinking maybe they like it small?
We do alot of fundraising in the summer to get prizes, sponsorships etc.. and alot of planning is involved. So if you girls could come up with some ideas for me to take with me to my meeting it would be so helpful! Im looking for fundraising ideas, and ways to make the event more successful (ie location etc...)
heres a summary:
Summary of 9th Annual Chili Cook-Off
On the evening of November 18, 2005, the 9th Annual ASP (Academy of Student Pharmacists) Chili Cook-Off was held at The Ohio State University College of Pharmacy to benefit the Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA). ASP faculty advisors, Dr. (father of a son with Muscular Dystrophy), --- and the five Pharmacy student co-chairs: ------ spent nearly a year preparing for this Community-wide event. The cook-off team collected donations from local and corporate sponsors to support the event. Eighteen chili cookers gathered in the student lounge to provide sumptuous samples to the volunteer judges, students, faculty, families and many more. The evening consisted of chili judging, raffle drawings and a silent auction. All prizes given to chili and raffle winners were donated by local businesses & families. Prizes included gym memberships, restaurant gift certificates, jewelry, tickets to comedy clubs, and much more. The three hour event cost $5.00 for 10 tastes and included a favorite chili vote. Along with chili tasting, bake sale items were available and the MDA provided educational material and videos to inform supporters about muscular dystrophy and how the monies gifted would be used. The 9th Annual Chili Cook-Off reached a new record high of $9,500 from many supporters!
Winning Cooker(s)
Winning Cooker(s)
Best Table Presentation
People’s Choice (1st)
Dean’s Award
People’s Choice (2nd)
MDA Award
People’s Choice (3rd)
Spiciest Chili
People’s Choice (4th)
"Deep down you may still be that same great guy I used to know. But it's not who you are underneath, it's what you do that defines you" Rachel Dawes, Batman Begins
can anyone help me out? Just looking for some ideas to make this charity event better and to raise even more money! Would appreciate any input, even if youve never put together a charity event...
"Deep down you may still be that same great guy I used to know. But it's not who you are underneath, it's what you do that defines you" Rachel Dawes, Batman Begins