As many of you know, we bought a house in November and were scheduled to settle yesterday... We prob spend 6K on all new furniture, flooring, a new plasma TV etc etc etc. We were completely packed and ready to go this weekend.
Monday night.. we found out that we couldn't do settlement Tuesday morning because when the Title company pulled the records on our new house. They found out that our sellers were in bankrupcy and conviently didnt tell anyone this whole time. They hadn't made a mortgage payment in over a year and they filed for bankrupcy in Aug and put their house up for sale in Sept. (all very deceitful, not to mention illegal)
Turns out they owe their bank almost twice the amount that the house is actually worth and our new house has already been scheduled to be sold at a Sheriffs sale in June.
Thank god we have a few more weeks until we have to be out of our current home, or else we would be homeless right now.
The whole deal is in the hands of lawyers and banks and the court right now. They can't tell us if a short sale is possible or if we can EVER buy this house. It could take weeks or months to work out and we just cant afford to wait.
Something really funny... Our title company called the seller to explain to him just how serious this situation is and that he is in a LOT of trouble. And his exact words are: "So you mean I'm not going to make any money off of this house? If I'm not going to make any money from selling this place.. then I dont want to sell it. I want to take it off the market."
Can you effing believe this guy? How stupid can you be? You havent made a mortgage payment in over a year and you think that you can just continue to live in this house for free?
So pretty much when the Sheriff comes to this guys door in June and says I'm here to sell your house today.. The seller is just going to say "no thanks. I'm not interested in selling it. I tried that a few months ago with Coldwell Banker and it wasn't working out in my favor."
I just want to choke him!
At the end of the week, we plan to get out of the deal completely.. take our escrow money and run like hell the other way. This is just too messy for us to deal with.
We need to start from scratch and start looking again and fast. We could sue this guy BUT it really wont do much good. HE HAS NO MONEY!
Okay, this post is long enough. Please comfort DH and I before I start crying again...
OMG... I am so sorry to hear that! I agree you should get out of this sale and run the other way.
now look at it this way too, this is a period in real estate sales (end of winter) when people can be easily low-balled with your offer - it may be a blessing in disguise... The place I'm in now we bought at the same time of year, and lowballed them $70,000 below their asking price since it was part of an estate and the surviving family wanted to liquidate assets. 5 years later it was worth double what we bought it for - so this could situation could be in your favor. Same goes for builders that have been trying to move property all winter - everyone's ready to entertain any offer...
chin up! it is all going to work out for the best! I know it will!
"Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess." ~ Edna Woolman Chase
that's terrible! So frustrating! And HOOOOW could anyone be so mind-bogglingly stupid as that "seller?" Dude your house is going to be repossessed, you don't get to keep living there if you don't pay the mortgage. Idiot.
oh Jocey! Something sort of similar happened to us when we sold our house. We were supposed to move the next day (like, everything was in the U-Haul, we were sleeping on the floor) and then we get a call saying our buyers may not qualify. We spent two weeks living out of one suitcase and a U-haul (that we had to unload in our parents' garage while we were waiting). But what you are going through is so much worse! I cannot believe that the title/mortgage companies don't check this out more thoroughly beforehand. I mean, what else is prequalifying for? Best of luck to you.
"We live in an age where unnecessary things are our only necessities." --Oscar Wilde
That's really terrible. I can't believe that guy. I'm so sorry that things aren't working out with this house. But to reiterate what detroit already said, I watched the news the other day and they were saying that there was a 5% drop in real estate sales last month despite it being the warmest winter in many years. Hopefully you can get an even better house for an even better price!
Stop the habit of wishful thinking and start the habit of thoughtful wishes.
Mary Martin
OMG Jocey, I'm so very sorry to hear this. That really really sucks and the guy is obviously the biggest moron. I agree that it could be a blessing in disguise. Best of you luck to you and your husband, keep us posted.
First all here is a great big hug to you and DH((((((((((((((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) WAIT I think you need one more(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) there thats better
I am sorry this happen to you but Iam sure something postive will come out of it. Please keep us posted.
I would only look at this as it would have been a mistake to purcahse the house.
I sure can't believe that anybody could live in their house without making a payment for over a year! Plus think that they could sell it and make money! There is no way you can screw over a bank. Um, you OWE!
OMG, I would be so livid! Will you get to stay in your house for a while longer?
Not that it's any comfort, but I'm a firm believer in things happening for a reason (as much as it may piss you off at the moment). Who knows - maybe that house is infested with termites or black mold. Maybe it will burn down (mysteriously) next week. Maybe the guy next door is actually a closet serial killer. You'll find, eventually, that you're so glad you didn't end up there. But I feel your pain, trust me!
Oh jocey, what a hassle and frustration for you and your DH! I can't even believe this situation. You must be so stressed out right now. I don't even understand how this can happen...but so glad you found out and have been saved even more stress. What if somehow you'd been moved in...and then had to leave, maybe find a hotel and put your things in storage?? At least you are spared that at this time, though I know it will be difficult to get yourselves motivated to look for *more* houses right now.
"So you mean I'm not going to make any money off of this house? If I'm not going to make any money from selling this place.. then I dont want to sell it. I want to take it off the market."
Um, WHAT? The man is an idiot and an ass. And I really can't understand it - my SIL is in foreclosure because they were four months behind on the mortgage (this is in Colorado). She had to go to court (last fall)and the judge told her that essentially she'd lost her home - but allowed her to make arrangements with the mortgage co. - if she was able to work out a plan with them and make the next four mortgage payments on time, they'd let her refi and hopefully she (and her husband, and three kids) could stay in the house. Otherwise they'll be on the streets....I don't know how the laws work in whatever state you're in, but it seems very odd that the seller could stay in the home for that long!
Best of luck to you two and wishes for a new dream house to be the first listing you visit. Hopefully soon this mess will be a distant memory!
"Good taste shouldn't have to cost anything extra." - Mickey Drexler