Oooh! That is fun! I got a 94% with an average error of 19 miles (I attribute this to having no clue where Arkansas was).
Another fun game is to set a clock for 6 minutes and to see how many states you can name in that time. My coworkers and I did that last year and it was really fun. We are total dorks though, so "fun" might be a relative term here. I got 48 and somehow missed North Dakota, even though I got South Dakota, and I missed West Virginia, even though I got Virginia.
I got 96%...I think it is because whenever I would get in trouble in Elementary school I would have to stay in from reccess and name all the states and capitals on a map.
If you are off a smidge, it doesn't give you credit! it's especially hard with the states in the middle of the country - if you don't have texas in early, it can be hard to gauge where to place them...
that's my excuse, and I'm stickin' with it.
"Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess." ~ Edna Woolman Chase
it's especially hard with the states in the middle of the country - if you don't have texas in early, it can be hard to gauge where to place them...
I know! I hate when they start me out with a state that's in the middle of the country; I'll know it's general location, but I won't know it's EXACT position at that point. Hell, I even misplaced my own state once because of that
96% 8 mile screw up range 190 seconds. i'm with detroit. you can't give my iowa as the first state ! unfair ! i bet people in iowa couldn't get that right !
HAHAHA, I'm in Iowa! And no, I don't get that right when it's the first state either!
tara t wrote: 96% 8 mile screw up range 190 seconds. i'm with detroit. you can't give my iowa as the first state ! unfair ! i bet people in iowa couldn't get that right ! HAHAHA, I'm in Iowa! And no, I don't get that right when it's the first state either!
see !! i knew it !!
I feel sorry for people who don't drink. When they wake up in the morning, that's as good as they're going to feel all day. -Frank Sinatra
If you are off a smidge, it doesn't give you credit! it's especially hard with the states in the middle of the country - if you don't have texas in early, it can be hard to gauge where to place them... that's my excuse, and I'm stickin' with it.
no doubt! they didn't give me credit for ALASKA for goodness sakes! i was like "oh this is easy" and placed the piece over there... now i realize they want it EXACTLY perfect or it doesn't count!
80% - 55 miles. I was actually impressed I got that much. I accidentally confused Missouri with Mississippi and tried to put in the south east and then felt really retarded.
If you are off a smidge, it doesn't give you credit!
id just like to announce that i got hawaii wrong! technically, i knew where hawaii was but i apparently didn't line it up exactly right and got it wrong. so **** you, states game, i do know where hawaii is.
id also like to announce the genius of my bf...he got them all right, perfect, the first time. it was actually a little scary how well he did. and he started with arkansas. im not really sure how he did it, but he's also really scary on knowing where wierd countries around the world are. and capitals..he knows them all. scary.
"But I want you to remember, I intend this breast satirically." Susan from Coupling
I got 96%. Yep, I'm that wicked smaht. S-M-R-T. I am so smart. Okay, technically, I played this game like 50 gazillion times until I got this score but whatever!
ha! I played around 5x before I got the score I posted! there is no way you can get a perfect score - it's too hard to place the mid states without another state to guide your placement...
"Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess." ~ Edna Woolman Chase