First of all I would like to sat thank you to my lovely ST friends.These past few weeks have been hellish (personal issues- non job related) and it literally brings tears to my eyes that girls who have never met me person have sent me PM's, etc asking me how the job is going.With my family being 600 miles away I'm so glad I have my buddies in cyber world!
BTW: I will be going home to Cincinnat next month to visit and spend the b-day w/ my twin, so that means Bex and other Ohio girls a trip to Columbus (or where ever in the state) fun filled with shopping food and drinks are in order.
Ok now for the meat and potatoes.
I love it! My co-workers are soooooo nice, and my boss does not micro-manage!
Also my job is in Westport, just picture our infamous hag Martha Stewart in all her bitchiness(she's from there as a matter of fact) and you can get an idea of the customers I deal with.........Biatches because they have a little dough- I always want to tell them I not impressed, Westport might as well be the projects when you compare it to Greenwhich - which is just up the road (mo' money).
I never take it personal w/ these jokers (customers). I do get to see ALOT of fashionable people.I drooled today over this lady's Chanel bag.I saw a girl today that could not have been older than 10 carrying Fendi- or should I say carrying my rent March rent.If I can figure out how to take pics when I 'm walking outside iwthout somebody thinking I'm a freak i definetly will- a lot things I've seen just in the past week inspire me to put my game face on when it comes to fashion.
I have to buy new stuff and get situated w/ my new dresscode and then I'll be back to TS.
Have I talked enough for the next 5 years?I think so.
Ok one more thing.Before I left my last job I had an exit interview.I told my DM how much a BIATCH this girl was to me once I was promoted- she almost got the golden handshake
I told her of almost all incidents of her total disrespect.This girl couldn't get over the fact that a 23 yr old was promoted so quickly and she's worked for the company since dinosaurs roamed the what? Is it my fault?
My DM can't stand her and as had previous run ins w/ her.So I'm hoping it was the nail in her coffin (sp?)
BTW: I will be going home to Cincinnat next month to visit and spend the b-day w/ my twin, so that means Bex and other Ohio girls a trip to Columbus (or where ever in the state) fun filled with shopping food and drinks are in order.
cool girl! just let us know when it will be... i'll be in the nati march 20-22
glad to hear things are going well with the new job!!! you sound so happy!