I think my MIL has one!!! I love her and all and I am probably going to hell for posting this, but everytime I see her I can't help thinking, does anyone else think she has a mullet???? Cause I sure do!! She is NOT girly at all and very rarely even wears makeup, but girly or not shouldn't you notice when your haircut starts to look like a mullet!!!???!!! You knowq, it's kind of feathered and short at the top, but the back is getting longer! MULLETT!!!! I will try to get a pic to post. I am afraid of talking about it to my DH cause he is sensitive about MIL critisisms. Here I come Hell!!!
I saw 2 different women in the mall last night. Well dressed, makeup nice- each wearing what could be described as a mullet! It was amazing- I think they are co0ming back in style and we are the last ones to know!