so i had this idea...n/s how it would work out in real life but i thought i'd post and see.
the backstory is i bought cd's today. and it took me forever, mainly b/c there was stuff that i wanted, but didn't really want to pay for. sorry if that sounds cheap, but i can't help it. anyway we have this system at my job where my co-workers and i swap cd's. but i've exhausted all their resources and need more. the lack of really good radio stations means i end up just taking chances on artists. which i guess is fine, but i sometimes wish it didn't cost $10 to learn i only really like two songs on their album.
so i was thinking maybe we could do a stylethread music exchange of some sorts. like if people posted albums they wanted, someone who had the cd could burn a copy and mail it to them in exchange for a copy of a cd they wanted. or alternatively (to get really advanced) we could have like mix buddies and just swap mix cd's. i figure the cost of a cd & postage is way less than the cost of actually purchasing new music all the damn time. plus it'd be a cool way to discover new artists.
obvs i haven't really thought about the logistics of all this, but i thought i'd post the idea and see if there was any feedback.
I think this is a great idea! I was just thinking (as I spent a wad of cash at Barnes & Noble this weekend) that we should start something like that for books, too.
"We live in an age where unnecessary things are our only necessities." --Oscar Wilde
it sounds like a great idea, but i'm wondering about copyright laws. i'm not sure a public forum would be the best place to conduct this. hmmm. i wish i knew more and don't want to be a debbie downer, but it seems like legality issues might get in the way.
"i tell you one lesson I learned
If you want to be something in life, You ain't gonna get it unless, You give a little bit of sacrifice, Oohh, sometimes before you smile you got to cry.." -The Roots
once I asked if anyone knew where I could download a certain obscure song, and while I got the advice I was looking for with info about an illegal downloading site to check, a couple of posters here simply offered to email me their own copies of the songs I happened to be looking for, which was really cool.
"Go either very cheap or very expensive. It's the middle ground that is fashion nowhere." ~ Karl Lagerfeld
I think this is a great idea for music... and definitely think we should start something like this for books... i obviously wouldnt be able to participate until the summer after school is out... but i spend so much money on books and music id love to partake.
"Deep down you may still be that same great guy I used to know. But it's not who you are underneath, it's what you do that defines you" Rachel Dawes, Batman Begins
I think this is a great idea! I was just thinking (as I spent a wad of cash at Barnes & Noble this weekend) that we should start something like that for books, too.
Oh halleybird, I SO want to do this! I am a very avid reader and I would love to have some recs for ST girls! Plus I realized today (after a $70 amazon book order) that I am spending WAY too much mola on books....
it sounds like a great idea, but i'm wondering about copyright laws. i'm not sure a public forum would be the best place to conduct this. hmmm. i wish i knew more and don't want to be a debbie downer, but it seems like legality issues might get in the way.
this is definitely an issue. in my head i think there's a difference b/t burning a cd for a friend and actually downloading a ton of music illegally. but i could just be trying to rationalize it. i do know that tons of websites host mp3's so i'm wondering how that works. also i def. don't think there would be a legality issue with a mix cd.
obvs i don't want to get st in trouble. but i'm curious to see if it *could* be possible.
I love this idea!! I am totally interested in participating in the music one and the book one. Honey, I'd be willing to help organize it too if you'd like. I do the cd tradeoff with my sis in law all the time. Right now I am giving her my postal service for her death cab. Anyway, maybe we should all post some cds and books we would be willing to offer up. btw I don't think we have to worry about a copyright issue, but i'm not an expert in this area.
I already have a sh*tload of new music I would love to share, and I am always looking for more! I also am known by my friends as "The music/mix-CD Queen" and love making mixes for people.
NCS--I'm thinking that would be the way to do it. We could start a thread where anyone who is interested can post music they have and then I guess people can pm each other or maybe respond to the thread--so we know what's already been exchanged. We can do a separate thread for books.
NCS--I'm thinking that would be the way to do it. We could start a thread where anyone who is interested can post music they have and then I guess people can pm each other or maybe respond to the thread--so we know what's already been exchanged. We can do a separate thread for books.
i like this idea. my only hesitation is that it might be too cumbersome to post all the cd's you own, and it might take too long for others to read through that entire least. maybe we could just start by having people list items they want (but put a cap on it, like list 5 items you want), and then see how it goes from there.
Count me in for both if we can do it! I just think there may be some problems w/the cd swap and copyright issues. Is someone going to look into that first?
Also, I'm happy to burn cd's for people, but another suggestion would be that we could email eachother mp3 files. I have a ton of my cd's uploaded onto my itunes and if someone wanted songs just for their mp3 player, this could work too.
maybe we could just start by having people list items they want (but put a cap on it, like list 5 items you want), and then see how it goes from there.
This is perfect! I agree that the other way would be too cumbersome. Should one of us start a thread?
awesome! i'll start a thread for music, someone else can start one for books. i'll put in entertainment. and i'm going to do another one too for st mixes if anyone's interested in that.
here are the general guidelines. i'll post them in the thread too, but i kind of want to prevent it from getting super cluttered with extra stuff outside of what people want.
*magic # is 5. i'm thinking we can do this on a semi-regular basis too.
*based on shopchicago's idea we can just email mp3's. however if you don't have itunes/an itunes compatible mp3 player you should probably indicate it, so we can find another format.
*the best way to do it would probably have people pm each other about specific details like address, etc but it would be cool if you could put a general response in the thread too. i.e. if i say i want a copy of the hokey pokey and someone has it, they would post in the thread that they have it, and then pm to make arrangements.
*along the same lines, if you could edit your list as you go along. i.e. if i get the hokey pokey then i would take it off my list. obvs the last two aren't set in stone, but i think it would help avoid a situation where you get 10 pm's about the same thing.