I live in Charlottesville, VA. It's beautiful here, but I would like to be closer to my family in SC.
What is your favorite clothing item?
Good jeans, no matter what, if I am wearing jeans I like, things are good
Are you a shoes or handbags girl?
I love handbags, but I am SUPER picky, so when I find one I like, I tend to stick with it for the whole season. I have lots of shoes though.
Favorite color to wear?
Hmm, it changes, but it is usually in the violet family (periwinkle, lavender, sometimes powder blue. . .)
How did you get into fashion?
I have been as long as I can remember. I think I got it from my mom, she was a trendsetter in her hayday. When she was in college, she was known for getting packages once a week with a new designer-inspired outfit my grandmother made her.
Do you have any pets?
Yes, I have a black and white kitty. She'll be a year old in March and her name is Olivia.
whatcha do for a living?
Well, I'm getting my master's right now to become a Speech Language Pathologist.
would you rather be doing something else?
I'm ready to be finished with school, but I am so glad I chose this profession. There are so many options of where I can work and what I can do with it, ranging from working in a school on speech and language w/ kids to working in a hospital with laryngectomy patients. I love it.
favorite type of music?
I have pretty all-encompassing taste. I couldn't listen to only one type of music--that would be a nightmare. I love bluegrass, folk-rock, classic rock, pretty much anything I can sing along to, especially w/ harmony. I don't like techno and I don't really like top-40 stuff until it gets old and I am feeling nostalgic for it.
last cd bought, last song downloaded?
Can't remember the last cd I bought, but the last song I downloaded was Poison by Bel Biv Devoe. Ha--see above statement about nostalgia. . .
have you been to any good concerts?
Not lately. I enjoy concerts, but I don't usually think to go to them. But I did talk my way into getting onstage w/ the contest winners at a Bon Jovi concert a few years ago. I got to touch Richie.
anybody you would love to see in concert?
Ben Folds, Stevie Wonder
Whats your all time favorite movie?
I need to come up w/ an answer for this one, but I can barely remember movies after I watch them.
Favorite book?
Pride and Prejudice. Also The Giver by Lois Lowry. I really don't even remember what happened in The Giver, just that I read it at a critical point in my life and it really moved me. I should reread it.
Favorite snack food?
All-time favorite is Jalepeno chips from Schlotszky's deli. But I'm not allowed that right now because they aren't good for the hips, so I've been eating Goldfish w/ calcium and pretzels dipped in marshmellow creme.
Favorite real meal?
My mom's chicken pie, english pea casserole (it's just green bean casserole made w/ english peas), and pear halves w/ a dab of cream cheese and cheddar. I'm definitley a simple southern girl when it comes to taste in food!
What do you do for "me" time besides shop?
I watch TV, read, lately I've been knitting, which I'm really getting into.
Best shopping deal you ever scored?
When Seven jeans first were popular a friend and I were at Marshall's and holy moly, they had like 10 pair of them. We were like little kids. The pair I got then (I think they were about $45 when finding them on sale at all was unheard of) has been turned into crops and remain one of my favorite pair. A few weeks later, I happened upon a pair of Seven A-Pocket cords for $16. The zipper was broken but my mom just yanked on it and voila!
Favorite place to shop?
Anthropologie, but I don't get to go that often.
Coffee or tea?
I don't really like either except sweet iced tea. Yum!
Know first, who you are; and then adorn yourself accordingly.
I think it's just when people don't pay attention, which seems to be everyone in Charlottesville. Or people who get on your tail when driving in snow/ice or fog.
-What do you order at the movies (food wise)?
Popcorn (no butter) and Diet Coke. If I'm indulging, I'll smuggle in some plain m&ms to eat together with the popcorn.
-Favorite late night snack?
Hmm, maybe ice cream? I love ben and jerry's oatmeal cookie chunk or mint chocolate cookie.
-Guilty pleasure TV show?
Haha I'm watching it right now-- The Bachelor. But I watch a lot of bad TV. It's pretty much my hobby.
-What do you do when you're bored?
Shop online, go to Barnes and Noble and look at crafting or decorating books, take a nap (I'm trying to quit the last one, it's an addiction).
-Favorite bag? Shoes? Dress?
I will take some pictures tomorrow and come back to edit
your fav. hoilday?
how long until you get your master's degree?
I will be finished w/ classes in May (hooray!), then I have an internship in the summer and one in the fall, so the short answer is December of this year (assuming I pass my comps!).
silver or gold jewlery?
I love them both, but I tend to wear more silver--probably because it is more affordable.
fav. place to travel?
The church I grew up in has a house at a conference grounds in NC. I basically spent my summers there going to camps and family vacations. It is the one place where I think I will always feel peaceful. It is on the site of an old estate of a rich German man. The gorgeous mansion is still there and you can sit on the front porch in a rocking chair and take in the views--lakes, trees, mountain fog--and hang out with old friends who I will probably sit and rock with when we are 80. I love it.
These are great questions, y'all are making me think!
Know first, who you are; and then adorn yourself accordingly.
I just have to say that P&P and The Giver are two of my favorite books too! And speech-language pathology is such a great career path; there are tons of jobs and the pay/hours are fantastic.
My questions:
any brothers or sisters?
favorite childhood memory?
any significant other?
favorite color to wear? decorate with?
"We live in an age where unnecessary things are our only necessities." --Oscar Wilde
What's the one thing you're most proud of? I think in general just being someone my friends and family can depend on. I know that's a cheesy answer, but there you go.
Do you think you'll stay in Charlottesville or go back to SC?
I am not planning to stay in C'ville. I am sure I will end up in SC, NC, or GA. But I wouldn't mind doing a lot of traveling when I can. . .
What do you miss the most about home?
My family, little restaurants that I would go to every week (but I have those here too that I will miss terribly), I miss being in a place that I know really well.
Coke or Pepsi?
Definitely Diet Coke. But my drink of choice is Diet Dr. Pepper. I go through 3 12-packs every 2 weeks.
What's your favorite scent?
When the Magnolias are blooming and the wind blows just right so you get a good sniff and then it's gone. That way you never get tired of it.
What's your ringtone? Just a standard one that came on my phone--it is like five notes that go up then down--it sounds like a sound effect from a game show but it's the only one that didn't hurt my ears or irritate me.
Favorite lip gloss?
Haha I answered this question in health and beauty the other day--Cover Girl Lipslicks in clear. It is so moisturizing and it smells good in a makeupy way. I don't like, sticky, fruity, or much color on my lips.
any brothers or sisters?
One of each, 7 and 8 years older. And they are married and engaged and my sister and brother in law to be are both fantastic.
favorite childhood memory?
My family took a motor home to the Grand Canyon from SC and then 2 years later we went to Niagra falls. So I got to spend a lot of time learning random things about all the states we went through and visiting tons of state parks and museums. We also kept daily journals of what we saw. I think it was one of the most fun and valuable experiences I have ever had and I hope I get the opportunity to do something similar if I have kids one day.
any significant other?
No, I am kind of on hiatus from even trying to meet anyone right now. My program is all females and it's hard to meet people out when you are a homebody like myself. So I am really just enjoying being single and having time for myself. I do want to fall in love and get married at some point, so I'm not looking in to terminal spinsterhood yet--just trying to be content as things are.
favorite color to wear? decorate with?
to wear: blues and purples
to decorate with: probably green, maybe white. I'm not that picky about color but I do love a breezy but cozy cottage look.
Know first, who you are; and then adorn yourself accordingly.
Yay! I'm loving reading about you, EJC, even though I can't think of many questions!
1. What inspired you to become a speech/language pathologist? 2. What's your favorite non-clothing object (that you own)? 3. Favorite Saturday morning activity? 4. Most enjoyable knitting project?
Forget, forgive, conclude, and be agreed. - Shakespeare
1. What inspired you to become a speech/language pathologist?
I knew I wanted to work with kids, especially kids with special needs. But I had no desire to be a teacher. That's a career I really think you have to be "called" to in order to be good at it. People who knew me well kept suggesting that I look into SLP but I didn't want to just take their advice, so I kind of fought it for a while and I was thisclose to going to grad school to become a school counselor. But when it came time to confirm that I was coming, I just didn't feel at peace. So I took a year off after college and ended up coming full circle back to speech. I hated to admit that my unsolicited advisers were right, but I am positive that this is my ideal career.
2. What's your favorite non-clothing object (that you own)?
Oh I don't know, I have a lot. I will say maybe my bedframe. I drew up a picture of what I wanted and my dad, who is a talented woodworker, helped me make it. My dad wasn't very proud of it because it is not a highbrow mahogany or cherry piece (just pine and MDF and bead-board that I painted), but it's just what I wanted and it is one of a kind.
3. Favorite Saturday morning activity?
Sleeping until about 9, going to my favorite cafe for breakfast to get the best cheesegrits and honey oat pancakes ever, then strolling through shops downtown.
4. Most enjoyable knitting project?
Haha, I literally just started a couple of weeks ago, so I haven't done too much. I am making some dishcloths w/ cotton yarn to practice making cables, and although I don't enjoy the yarn, I enjoy doing cables so far! I think I'm going to be the type of knitter who does more challenging projects than I should, just because I will lose interest if something is too easy.
1. Do you ever go to the movies or out to dinner alone?
I have never been to the movies by myself but I have been out to dinner alone. But not on a weekend, I'm not there yet. . . I do need a lot of time to myself though.
2. Do you like surprises?
I don't mind them, but I don't like knowing there is going to be a surprise. Does that make sense? I get too anxious that I won't like the surprise and will have to act like I do. I'm such a people pleaser.
3. Do you sing in the shower or in the car? Are you any good?
Not always in the shower, but ALWAYS in the car. I can carry a tune, and I'm a good blending voice in a choir but I'd never be asked to sing a solo or anything. I do love to sing though.
4. What's your favorite guilty pleasure?
Taking naps, but I'm trying to quit.
5. If you could look like any celebrity who would you choose and why?
Maybe Claire Danes. I would want to be interesting and slightly mysterious looking, but still cute.
Know first, who you are; and then adorn yourself accordingly.