I had a 3D ultrasound done this weekend and I just wanted to share some pictures. We went on Saturday morning but she was sleeping with her head turned toward my spine and her arm over her face and she just wouldn't wake up. We couldn't get any pictures so they let us come back on Sunday and she was a bit more cooperative. She was awake, but she had her feet in front of her face for most of the ultrasound. We did get some good pictures though. It's so amazing to be able to see her like this, even though she's still inside of me! Our package includes a second visit so we get to go back during my 32nd week.
Oh yeah, and they were unable to confirm the sex at my 20 week regular ultrasound so I'm really glad that they were able to tell this time. DH's mom has been shopping since she first found out we were expecting so we have tons of gender neutral stuff but no little girl clothes so I went out this morning and bought her some pretty summer dresses. I can't wait to start the nursery!
oh, that is so freaking cool to see those pics! have you started working on names now that you know she's a girl?
this one is so cool. she looks like she's scratching her chin, like she's deep in thought or something, like she's thinking "hmm, wonder what mommy's like?"
that is a finger, right?
"But I want you to remember, I intend this breast satirically." Susan from Coupling