I do when I think about - maybe 10 or so a year? I figure if i'm supposed to win I'll win on minimal tickets as readily as lots of tickets. Oh, the dream.....
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad
I buy a powerball ticket every Wednesday and Saturday... where else can you buy a dream for a dollar? What's a dollar when it comes to the chance of winning millions? I don't know if it happens everywhere, but around here, poeple get crazy when the prize gets really high. I work at a coffee shop in a gas station (glamorous job, I know ) and I see the crazy amounts of money people throw down on tickets-- one guy bought $200 worth of tickets on Saturday, and when I asked him how many people went in on them, he said "just me and my wife." I just think that's crazy... if you're meant to win, you'll win. Granted, it was $365 million, but you don't need to buy hundreds of tickets, just one. But I also think that if you don't play, you can't win. I don't know... I just like the dream, I guess
I never played the lottery until I got a government job. The daily drudgery makes you yearn for the easy way out. I don't always play, but when I do, I'm always secretly disappointed I didn't win, like "Well, I guess its back to plan B - working at some sh*t job."
I haven't ever bought any powerball tickets, but I am always fascinated with the winners. I am curious if a winner will come forward (as of last night no one had).
"Despite all your best intentions, sometimes, fate wins anyway."
i have never bought a lottery ticket but i always secretly wish i'll win. i hold on to this misguided notion until they announce the winner, im disappointed it wasn't me, then i remember i didn't buy a ticket. im really strange. i would just feel too silly buying a ticket, no logical reason as to why.
I haven't ever bought any powerball tickets, but I am always fascinated with the winners. I am curious if a winner will come forward (as of last night no one had).
maybe it's just me, and im money hungry, but dude...if i won 365 million bucks i would be out in the middle of the street yelling my head off. screw the publicity, id much rather have my loot all the sooner, ya know? i just don't get it when they take weeks or sometimes months to come forward. how on earth can you sit around at home, what are you doing? thinking about claiming the winning ticket? what is there to think about? money. that's it. nothing to think about. the publicity will come no matter what (even though i do admit that it might be less if you wait longer when no one is thinking about it anymore) so you might as well get your money all the much faster. the faster you turn your ticket in, the faster you can be sitting on the beach of your own private island.
"But I want you to remember, I intend this breast satirically." Susan from Coupling
When I was still in HS, in the mid to late 90's, one lottery got to the highest it's ever been, and they were showing the long lines and whatnot on the news. One man (not even in our state, I want to say PA?) mortgaged his house and took the hundred or so thousand dollars and used every dollar to buy lottery tickets, convinced this would secure the win. Of course, he didn't win, but I never forgot that. How dumb.
We don't have Powerball in our state, but it's ridiculous the people who travel to Oregon just to buy tickets! I also don't get the people who buy more than $5 worth. That chances are so slim your just as well off spending $1 as hundreds of dollars! I wonder what big jackpot winners have done with their cash. Now I know giving to charity is great, but it's such an eye roller when asked what they will do with their winnings, the first thing that comes out of their mouth is "give to charity". That should be kept private or you will have people after you asking for cash if they know you are going to be giving money away. They only say that because that's what they think their suppose to say. When really, their first thought is the new fancy car and house they are going to buy!
NC still doesn't have a lottery. It's one of only like 7 that doesn't.
Our legislature just passed the lottery bill in August though, so we should be getting it in May, I believe. Our state's so freaking backward sometimes!