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Post Info TOPIC: A Mouse in the House
You can answer anonymously, so fess up and tell me if you have ever had a mouse problem? [40 vote(s)]

Yes, everywhere I have lived a mouse has come in.
Yes, I have had the problem two or three times.
Once I had the problem, but never again.
Never had a mouse problem.


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A Mouse in the House
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I don't know if it's me, the areas I live in or what, but I always end up with a mouse in the house.  I constantly clean the counters and never leave food out, but the little buggers move in every winter.  They always leave in the spring, but darn it they come back.  This happens anywhere I have lived, even in my office, and everytime I talk to people about it they tell me they have this problem too.  Do we just not talk about it?  Are people just trying to make me feel better? 

I'm just beginning to think mice may be a huge problem.  I don't have any other bug/roach issues, just mice.

As for taking care of the problem, I used to leave traps, but the traps never went off, yet the food was always gone.  I didn't want to use the sticky things, because they seem to be cruel.  I have bought hotel traps in the past, but others come back in their place.  I refuse poison because I don't want dead, stinking mice in my walls/under my appliances. 

Is there anything I can do???

If you have never had a mouse problem, please tell me what area of the country you live in.  TIA



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I've never had a mouse where I live now (in the city of Chicago), however, my parents live in the south suburbs and when I still lived at home, ocasionally we would have mice.  I'll never forget one time, I woke up in the middle of the night because I heard a rustling sound in my bedroom.  I turned on the light, it stopped.  As soon as I got back in bed, it started again.  So I turned on the light, and walked toward where the noise was coming - behind my dresser.  I looked behind it and SCREAMED!!  There was a mouse w/a candy wrapper.  My dad came running into my room w/a broom, but everytime the mouse would come out, I'd scream and scare it away!  What a wuss am I? 

Anyhow, my dad always tried to use those traps where you put peanut butter or some food, and in the morning, we'd wake up and the food would be gone but no mouse.  Eventually, they worked though. 



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I have never had a mouse problem, and I've lived in Phoenix, Arizona, and now Roswell, Georgia (Atlanta suburb).


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Marc Jacobs

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I have always had mice problems, generally just one or two. in Philadelphia, there is a real problem. I have come to the conclusion that it's not my apartment, it's the douchebag upstairs. We have glue traps, and sometimes (only in the winter) we will catch two a week, other times none at all for a long time. Luckily, my SO has not problems with picking the yucky things off the glue traps and throwing them out the window. Perhaps we would be better off with a killing trap but I can't kill them, no matter how yucky. sister once had a problem with rats...and that's a completly other story. It ended with them calling the landlord after her bf was BIT ON THE TOE BY A RAT WHILE HE WAS SLEEPING!

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relrel wrote:


OMG I would FREAK. OUT. if that happened to me!    I think I would lose it.

Anyway, to answer your question, Drew, I've never had a problem with mice.  *knocks on wood*  However, we have a problem with cockroaches, which I think are the most vile, disgusting things on the planet.  I'm not sure what the deal is either--it's not like our house is disgusting.  And they love the bathroom for some reason.  I don't get it.  We put out traps and that seems to have helped, but then again, it's winter and I don't know what problems summer will bring us.

Oh, and I live in North Carolina. 



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I live in the Bay Area, never had a problem here.

But when I went to college at UC Davis, near Sacramento, we had mice in the house several times. I think it was mainly due to the cats bringing them inside to play. One time it happended and I was the only one of my three roommates home, so I had to deal with it. After what seemed like hours of trying to coax it out from behind the TV cabinet, it got close enough to the door that I could scoot it out with a broom. The other two or three times a mouse was in that house I wasn't there.

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Kate Spade

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Yeah I have had them...then I got some cats...

Honestly, I live on 2 acres on a hill. It's massive, open and cold so they come in. Since I had cats for the last 14 yrs, I have had little problems. The smell of the cats alone puts them off.

I have had two kills, but my black lab/chow did that, not the cats.


Marc Jacobs

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in a freaky bit of odd timing, we have had two mice in the house tonight. im going to assume for the sake of the argument, that they were both the same mouse actually. cause otherwise, i would really have a big problem. one earlier in the day and one in the evening. the one in the evening was the more interesting one. so.....

at about 10 tonight, the bf sees a mouse run from the bedroom into the bathroom. the bf, being very quick thinking, quickly runs into the bathroom and shuts the door. i lay a towel down at the bottom of the door so the mouse can't escape. so...john and mouse are inside the bathroom with nowhere for the mouse to go because it's completly tiled in. and im on the outside of the bathroom. after a few minutes of john running around the bathroom throwing things, im getting kinda antsy...i wanna see what's going on! so, i very very quickly open the door and get inside where the action is at. please note at this point, that i have screamed every time ive ever seen a mouse in my life. yes, an actual highpitched screech. i get in the bathroom and there is no mouse to be seen. apparently he had lept up onto a towel that was hung over the bar and now he was hiding within the folds of the messily hung towel. im in the bathtub, standing on the rim, cause the mouse can't get me from there, right? john then slowly starts to pull the towel off the rack and that's when i see it! ralph! or is it stuart! either way he's fat and i can see him and i SCREAM! screaming startles john and he drops the towel. who knew that a high pitched screech in a small tiled bathroom would echo that loudly? so now the mouse is hiding behind a little table thingie, and the bugger is trying to climb a electrical cord, to go where? who knows? john jiggles the cord and the mouse drops and runs to the door....and burrows into the towel layed down at the cracks. shit, is he gone? is he hiding? well, what's a guy to do? if john removes the towel than the door is exposed and the mouse can get out, and that's not good. so...john decides to stomp on him, smoosh him, smash him. whatever you wanna call it, it involved me pulling my turtleneck over my mouth, covering my ears and turning away towards the wall (still standing on the bathrub rim). at first john and i think he got out because there wasn't any movement or any squishy noises, and then it squeaks. and that's it, it was all over but the mashing and grinding and popping. yes, john stomped on a mouse in a towel tonight. goodbye ralph, no more motercycle riding anymore for you, no more aspirin carrying, no more elevator riding either (did anybody else read the books ralph s. mouse?).

so...all in all, one less mouse, but one less towel as well.

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You mean other than my pet gerbils? Nope.

We do have occassional geckos or tree roaches (they come in when it's dry out in search of water apparently - just FYI NCShopper - maybe that's why?) - GROSS! And I'm with NC - I may not be the best housekeeper of all time, but my house surely isn't nasty.

Since you asked I live in Texas & was in Lousiana - never had mouse problem there either. I don't know if that's a regional thing but I NEVER had geckos in LA, but roaches are all over in the south apparently - particularly these big ones - I HATE them.

-- Edited by laken1 at 01:24, 2006-02-19

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I live in a very urban, populated area Los Angeles.

Two years ago, there was one mouse in my BF's apartment that would kind of dart in and out randomly. We are very clean people, so this was surprising. The exterminator was utterly perturbed because the mouse wouldn't fall for the traps and we eventually resorted to poison. One night, two months after the poison was put down, we found the dead mouse on the floor. I have never heard my BF scream like he did when we saw that mouse. I had to pick it up and throw it away. ick!

My BF is STILL convinced that the mouse came home in my backpack from school. My college was in a not-so-great neighborhood so it's probably plausible, but I have a hard time believing that.

The exterminator told us that the mouse probably was lured to BF's apartment because there's so much clutter. BF has lived with his younger brother in the same apartment for ten years so of coure they've got ten years worth of their life posessions crammed into a 900 sq ft. place. We have since tried to get rid of as much clutter as we can, but it's hard when you've got tow pack rats living together.




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no mice problems, but when we lived in dc, i could hear the rats in the walls. (and huge roach problem)



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laken1 wrote:

roaches are all over in the south apparently - particularly these big ones

~sighs~ Indeed they are. It's a fact of life if you live in the SE or SW parts of the country. We'd have them in AZ, but not usually the big ones. The big "sewer" roaches in AZ would come out when Phoenix would flush the sewers...yech.

And in Georgia, they're a fact of life, plain and simple. They are large and really, IMO, not afraid of humans. We had a serious problem with them when we first moved into our house -not an infestation, thank goodness, but they would come in regularly, and I work from home, so they were driving me nuts (I also have a roach phobia) - and it took quite some time to get a handle on things.

We finally found a place where we can buy the same stuff the "big boys" use to spray, and about every quarter, DH sprays the exterior. We have had very minimal roach visits since then, as long as he keeps up on the spraying. It's an issue for all our friends and not just us - especially in the warmer months.

We found that with Terminix, we still had a pretty major (for me, at least; for someone w/out my roach issues, maybe not so major). Now we pay 1/4 of what we were paying them, and we have less bugs overall.


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I have never had a mouse problem, I live in Fl. But I do have problems with those little ants. In the summer they are everywhere, it is so annoying.



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We live in a wooded area and about a year or two ago we had a whole family of mice, like 3 or 4.  We finally caught them all with traps.  They were coming in thru a hole into the crawl space and up the pipes.  We filled in the hole and now have the bug guy come once every 3 months and the stuff he sprays outside also takes care of mice.  We haven't had any problems since then (thank goodness, I think they're cute and all, but not inside my house with all their little droppings, I totally scrubed every last inch of my house after we got them all ).


Kate Spade

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I had a mouse problem in one apt. in college. My landlord was a total pothead, and my roommate told him about the mice and asked if he would buy some humane traps. He said "Traps? I've never heard of such a thing." He was looking at her like she was crazy. So she said "Yeah, traps. We have mice and there is a corner in the pantry that has a nest or something." He kept saying he never heard of such a thing, plus he seemed really weirded out, so she took him into the kitchen to show him. He started laughing really hard, and he said "Oh, mice. I thought you said you had lice." What a freak!

Also, I found a mouse once in my last apt. It was right after new neighbors moved in. I never saw another, and I thoroughly inspected every nook and cranny. The funny thing was, my dog was really spooked by it and wouldn't come out of his crate for awhile.

-- Edited by boobaby at 00:16, 2006-02-20



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We once had a mouse that we were pretty sure came in with us in our camping equipment. We set a trap and caught it within 2 days but it totally creeped me out.

Now we have a mouse-catching dog. Since she is a Terrier, she lives to catch little furry things. In the 10 months that we've had her, she has caught atleast 5 critters on different occasions while on walks. She just bounds into the grass and hops out with a mouthful of wiggling rodent. Its so gross but we're pretty proud of her.


Kenneth Cole

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I live in the Bay Area and I've never had a problem with mice, but there's a huge problem with ANTS - it's like all the old houses stand on anthills! The ants come in winter when it's cold and rainy. I leave nothing out, but they come anyway.



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Maybe it's a regional thing... when I lived in DC I had roaches in an apartment, but after watching my next door neighbor's cat while he went away, and coming in one night late to feed the cat, and flipping the light switch, and seeing probably dozens of roaches scurrying down his walls for cover, I knew where they came from.  This guy was the nastiest, dirtiest person ever, and I didn't know it when I accepted his request to cat-sit (but did the second I walked in his apt.), but at least I figured out WHY I had that problem.

Thinking about it, I didn't have a mouse problem in Ca, I had an ant problem, and in FL I only had gecko problems (not a problem, I thought they were cute), but in MD and NJ I have had the mice issues.  I seriously think these mice come from our next door neighbors too.  They probably eat the bagels the neighbors throw all over their backyard, then crawl into my house through the pipes or whatever, for warmth.  I haven't seen a dropping in a couple days, so I'll probably see one tonight.  I never hear it.  Just see the evidence.  I guess we need to call an exterminator.  I just feel so bad for the little guy... mice are kind of cute.



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Everywhere I've lived here in eastern North Carolina, we've had problems with mice. Even with three cats in the house, we still get mice that come in during the winter. (In south Florida, we just had the lizard problem, which wasn't really a problem. I don't mind lizards.) But right now we live in front of a cotton/bean field so the mice that live in it during the summer attempt to move into our house in the winter. The only thing that has helped has been putting poison under the house and around the outside perimeter. I feel slightly bad about killing them, but I've lost my tolerance to mice after one crawled in my bed one night.

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Kate Spade

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Metric wrote:

We once had a mouse that we were pretty sure came in with us in our camping equipment. We set a trap and caught it within 2 days but it totally creeped me out.
Now we have a mouse-catching dog. Since she is a Terrier, she lives to catch little furry things. In the 10 months that we've had her, she has caught atleast 5 critters on different occasions while on walks. She just bounds into the grass and hops out with a mouthful of wiggling rodent. Its so gross but we're pretty proud of her.

Hey, my dog is a terrier, too. He is terrified of rodents. My brother has gerbils, chinchillas and hamsters, and Boo won't go in the rodent room. One time, I was walking him late at night in Chicago. He turned the corner before me and stopped dead in his tracks! When I turned the corner, I saw that he was face to face with an opossum. Luckily the thing ran off, but for the rest of the walk, Boo was jumpy and kept turning around like he was afraid the opossum was following us.

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