I just made an appointment with the judge for the 28th at 6pm. I just randomely picked the date. We originally planned to be married during the day, and I had talked about taking a hike with our dog, and having a picnic afterwards -of course weather permitting. I guess that blows the idea because I don't want to do that before the wedding.
I do know SO is planning *something* because a friend clued me in that I *had* to set a date so he could do whatever it is he is doing and now I don't know if this will wreck whatever he is planning on doing (considering we both thought it would be during the day). He doesn't know I know something is up for that day so I'm sure he won't say anything about it... but I don't want to wreck his plans (what a sweetie for even thinking of something... now I feel like I should do something too).
Any thoughts?
Oh, yeah, I still don't have a dress/suit and am sick of looking for one. I may just wear a simple dress I already have. It's funny that I can't find anything, but I am past the point of caring.
My husband and I got married at the courthouse too. We just picked a day and went. The one thing we forgot though was that you need two witnesses. You might want to bring two friends, or you can just grab some random people in the courthouse like we did. Also, be sure to brief them on how to use your camera beforehand.
Enjoy your special day! I wouldn't worry too much about what you wear--I'm sure you'll look great no matter what.
I just told SO about the date and he told me his surprise. I guess he is about as good at keeping a secret as I...
He's having a chef come over and prepare a dinner for us... oooh, la, la, how fancy! Isn't that sweet? He said the time isn't a problem. So I guess that's it, huh? Strange after 6 1/2 years together (and knowing each other for a decade) that we are FINALLY doing it. Heehee, I can't wait for the families reactions... they won't be good, and I DON'T CARE. BWAAHAAHAA
congratulations on setting a date! that's so cool about the surprise, a chef? awesome! do you get to pick anything out on the menu...or is that all your SO's choice?
"But I want you to remember, I intend this breast satirically." Susan from Coupling
Thanks for the well wishes and dress suggestions. I like them, but I'm not loving anything to get married in. I guess I have a certain vision in my head for what a girl should well (me, anyways) to a courthouse wedding, and the closest thing I found was way to big to even bother altering (that cream suit from last year if anyone remembers). So, whatever. I will go to a few places this weekend, if I can.
relrel, I don't think I am picking out the menu because we didn't discuss that. But, if anyone knows what the perfect meal would be for me, it is definately SO.