When you wish you had never gotten out of bed? My week has completely sucked at work and I am so ready for this day to be over. Monday was awful, but yesterday was much better. Then today happened. I get to work and there is a nasty email for one of the sales guys that I work with (I do designs for him). I go back and check my emails and it turns out it wasn't my fault!! I gave all the emails to my supervisor and we are going to redo everything, but no one will admit that I didn't do anything wrong. Ugh I hate days like today! I think I need a drink...
"Despite all your best intentions, sometimes, fate wins anyway."
Oh that sucks, Heatherlynn! I hate it when people won't acknowledge when something wasn't your fault. Do you get along with your boss, and could you talk to him/her about it? Is there a way to write this sales guy back and tell him it wasn't your fault? Like, "I was not aware you needed the design to be this way, but now we are working to address the problem." At least it's Wednesday -- after today, the week is almost over. Hang in there!
Oh man, that really sucks... Personally, I think wednesday is really sort of an extension of the weekend... so obviously the right time for a martini or six, no?
No, I never have days like that, life is just rosey! HA! Right. On days like that I mentally check out and just get through the day doing the minimum and then give myself a little reward in the evening... a martini sounds nice.
I swear, what you are describing has been my life for the past two weeks and will probably be my life for the next 8 weeks or so. Shoot me.
Yeah, sometimes you just got to put your emotions aside for a bit, do what is required and be done with it at the end of the day. When I'm having a particularly bad day, I'll just stop reading my email and deal with it the next day.
Oh, I'm sorry you're having a crappy week! I could tell on Monday you really didn't want to go back to work Call me if you need anything or just want to vent.
i'm having one already, and i've only been at work for 30 minutes. i'm working hard at not crying at my desk. how pathetic is that?
I know exactly how you feel! I had to get up and walk away so I wouldn't cry. I have basically spent the rest of the day proving someone else wrong (the sales guy) just so I can prove I didn't mess up. I hate doing that, but I don't want everyone to think that I dropped the ball!! It has gotten slightly better, but only slightly. At least now everyone knows I was right. I found it this morning the sales guy and his coworker (I'm working with both of them) knew that it wasn't my fault and was completely theirs, but never told my supervisor. Well after doing a little research I went and talked to my supervisor and he was so mad that they didn't own up to messing up not only my work, but another girl who worked on these designs with me. What stinks is they said I dropped the ball, but I didn't!! I spent all day Sunday working on these designs that are now not any good. I'm gonna try to redo some of them, but the bid is due tomorrow so I doubt I get too much accomplished. I'm not real motivated right now.
"Despite all your best intentions, sometimes, fate wins anyway."
sorry heatherlynn--hang in there. i tried to numb my brain with some mindless busywork all morning, and that seemed to help. i get to go to lunch in a minute (the high point of every day!) and i've been saving a phone call to a much-loved client for this afternoon to hopefully cheer me up a bit. just keep putting one foot in front of the other and eventually it will get better.