I need ideas. A friend is getting married (his second). This will be his fiance's third. I am at a complete loss on what to get them. I haven't seen our friend since before his split with his first wife. They had a huge wedding and received tons of gifts, but I'm not sure what his ex took with her when they split. Same with the new fiance. Don't have a clue what she has brought to the household. My husband won't go for giving them cash or a gift card, so I need to come up with a gift. Any ideas? BTW--- They aren't foodies (at least our friend isn't). He refuses to drink wine (will only drink iced tea or Coors Light), eats no veggies, puts ketchup on everything, etc. He has worse eating habits than my five year old. So, I'd rather not get him anything drink related, or any kind of specialty food related because he will not try anything new.
Are they registered anywhere? If so, I'd go that route. Personally, I think a gift card would be the best, subtle way to give a gift. I think they might feel a little tacky receiving a bunch of first wedding type gifts, so maybe they'd like it?
Blubirde... I don't think they registered anywhere. It's not on the invite, and I've searched every registry (online) that I can think of. It's hubby's friend, but maybe I can talk him into getting a gift card for a restaurant. I feel weird writing them a check. It seems so "first marriage" to me. Maybe I'm just being weird. I've always used gift cards/ money as a last resort, but I sure am at a loss this time.
HA HA HA HA HA! Detroit you are too funny. Seriously, it is completely rediculous to expect gifts at your third wedding, IMO. I know that doesn't help you out at all.
That's EXACTLY what my husband said! I just can't not get them anything. I don't think they would expect anything (our friend, anyway. Don't know about his fiance). I'm sure that's why they didn't register anywhere.
It's a tacky situation, to put it mildly. I've known they guy for 28 years (since kindergarten), and my husband has been very good friends with him since high school. 2 years ago, right after he got married, he was in an accident where he almost died. After that (or probably before), his wife started doing drugs, cheating, stealing, etc. They split up ( a VERY nasty break up), and he started dating someone I apparently know, but don't remember. She was married (maybe separated, not sure) at the time. His divorce wasn't final either. It's all a big surprise, and no one I know seems to be to happy about it, but we have to support him. He's been a wonderful friend to us over the years.
Well, got anything really atrocious lying around that you got for your own wedding ?
Seriously? Who has three weddings? You'd think that if she's already done it twice and he's done it once, they'd elope and send announcements, or at the very least keep it small-ish and low key.
How long until the wedding? If they haven't registered it's probably because they're all set with house stuff (what with the 3 prior weddings between them ). I'd get them a gift card for a store or a restaurant of some sort, or some really ugly piece of pottery or a glass duck.
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
I'm going to sound like a grinch, but at this point they should have a quiet ceremony and just send out announcements after the fact and not expect presents...
But, since you say he's a good friend, I'd get them a $50 gift cert. to a local restaurant and a nice card. not quite cash, not quite a gift certificate (in my mind, 'cause you're trading it for a service, as opposed to a thing) -- I think this is your best option.
Or, how about donating to a charity in their name? That way the money you spent on their gift does some good for other poeple or things...
"I base most of my fashion taste on what doesn't itch." - G. Radner
Elle- It is smallish. It's in Vegas, so that's fitting. The wedding is in 2 months. Honestly, I hope they don't register, because that's just not right. Maybe I'll put a gift basket together to take to their honeymoon suite (with some Coors Light of course). Does that sound appropriate?