Okay, so our next door neighbors have the CUTEST cat in the world. His name is Charlie. I think he's about a year old, but he still looks very kittenish. He's an orange tabby with the biggest eyes ever--think the cat in Shrek and you've got the look he gives--and he's a total cuddle-bug.
Anyway, currently it's like 30 degrees out and the cat is still outside. Unfortunately this isn't the first time I've seen him outside when it's been really cold out.
And the other thing: his fur is like falling out and looks all ratty and weird in a few places like maybe he's under stress or something.
Oh, wait, and another thing. A few months ago Charlie was in a fight and somehow broke his leg. Well, after talking to the next door neighbors about it, she said that they didn't take him to the vet, but instead they all gathered around him in the kitchen and prayed for the leg to heal. Now, I definitely believe in the power of prayer and all, but I definitely also believe in the power of medicine and I think it's important to take a cat to the vet if it's freaking leg is broken!!!
I just don't know what to do. I feel like this cat is so cute and has the best personality, but I feel like they're downright neglecting it. DH doesn't want a cat, so negotiating some sort of deal where we could take the cat is out. But I also don't want someone to take the cat away and put it to sleep. But I feel like they should treat him better. What do I do? Anything? Or do I just say nothing? By the way, we're not terribly close with them. We're friendly when we see them and all, but the woman has tried to sell me cosmetics products many a time and has tried to get us involved in a pyramid scheme, so we're not all buddy-buddy or anything.
As an avid cat lover, I would feel compelled to do something- the cat obviously isn't well if it's fur is falling out and if they neglect to care for it after an accident.
Could you try writing a nice (but firm) note or something if you don't want to directly confront her? Just telling her you are concerned for the animal, and perhaps they should keep it indoors or something along those lines? You can follow up by saying that you will call the humane society if you feel the cat continues to be neglected?
I hate when people don't take care of animals...if they're so religious, you should point out that kitty cats are also part of God's kingdom and deserve to be treated accordingly!
I'm sorry but what you've described is animal abuse and they are putting that kittens life in danger. You need to call your local SPCA and have them come out for a visit to assess the situation. you're in North Carolina correct? Here is the number to the SPCA in Raleigh. This is serious, hair falling out is a sign of malnutrition amongst other things.
Lost & Found Pet Questions Animal Surrender Questions 772-3203
If you are not near Raleigh I'm sure they will refer you to the local SPCA to call. It will be ananymous so your neighbors will not know it was you who called. Please keep us updated on this as I'm very worried about this kitten. Good Luck!
Um can you tell I'm a bit of an animal lover?
I'm thinking balls are to men what purses are to women. It's just a little bag, but we feel naked in public without it.
Carrie Bradshaw
Yes, definitely call the local branch of the ASPCA. They're abusing the cat, and not taking good care of him. Since they're your neighbors, and your life will be easier if you're on good terms with them, I think it's better to call the ASPCA anonymously instead of writing them a note. Anyone who thinks it's okay to not take a cat to the vet when it breaks its leg, or feels fine leaving the cat outside when it's so cold and its hair is falling out, is not going to change their ways because a neighbor asks them to. Also, at least you know the sooner the ASPCA gets involved, the sooner this poor kitty will be taken care of properly.
I was reading this to my DH & he wanted to know if you were asking whether you wanted to know if you should kill the neighbors or steal the cat.....
His #3 option was call SPCA, but they will take the cat from them & perhaps he won't have a home at all. i hate being put in this position.
ETA: after hearing the pyramid scheme part he says killing the neighbors is the obvious choice. Seriously, call the SPCA or whoever handles that in your area. We did that to our neighbors & i really felt bad, but their dog was always in the street & someone was going to hit her, I was afraid it would be me. The other option is to kidnap it & bring it yourself & say you found it.....UGH.
-- Edited by laken1 at 23:33, 2006-02-13
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad
well, one thing i would definitely do if i were you is start feeding it. your DH may not be big on having the cat around, but i feel terrible for the poor thing.
actually, i would probably start asking around my friends for someone who might want him and then i would kitty-nap him.
I say call the SPCA. Hopefully they will let them know that they have repsonsibilities, beyond prayer when they have an animal. If that doesn't sink in... kidnap him. If you cannot keep him find him a good home and give him a better life. I know it is awful to let them think something could have happened to him but they obviously do not care enough to prevent it.
I would call the animal police on this! Pets, especially cats and dogs are not built to be outdoors in freezing temperatures. I don't know if this is in certain areas but I thought it was by law you had to provide outdoor pets with a shelter that has 3 sides, a bottom, and of course a roof. Also fresh water everyday. Neglecting an obvious injury is animal cruelty.
I like the idea of calling in an anonymous tip to the SPCA, but two things.
1) Would the cat be put down if they can't find it a good home?
2) My neighbors got this cat to replace their old cat that died (old age, I think.) I'm just concerned that if I do something about Charlie that they'll just go out and get another cat.
Ugh. That cat deserves so much better than that family. They have a 15 year old, a 5 year old hyperactive son who I'm sure is the cause of some stress to the cat, and a 2 year old and they all live in a 1,200 sq. ft. home. The mom is always screaming about something or other and the dad is just one of those oblivious types, so I'm sure given their situation, a cat just isn't high on their priority list. Especially when they have the obligations of a pyramid scheme.
I wonder what would happen if you took the cat in for one night and brought it back the next day and say, "Charlie was outside my door shivering and I knew it was going to get below freezing last night, so I just brought him inside. Hope that's ok." Then see what kind of reaction you get. Of course, you'd have to know them well enough to know that they wouldn't get mad and accuse you of stealing him or anything.
Another thing you could do-- if you have a porch you can set up a heating pad or electric blanket in a chair and cover it with a towel or old blanket. Just make sure the cord won't get wet if it is raining or snowing. This way Charlie will at least have somewhere to come that is warm. My parents do this for their kitties when my sister is home (she is allergic) and they stay warm and happy.
Know first, who you are; and then adorn yourself accordingly.
NCshopper wrote: Would the cat be put down if they can't find it a good home?
Maybe check their website to make sure they are a no kill shelter. Ours is but to be honest I always still wonder. I like the idea of making it a warm spot outside.
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad
Try and find out if there is a no-kill shelter in your area. If you can find one, ask them if they have room for another cat. I don't know how the SPCA works, but maybe they'd take the cat from your neighbors and put it in a no-kill shelter. Letting a cat walk around with a broken leg is abuse, and they don't deserve to have him as a pet. It's sad that he's probably better off in a shelter, where at least they'll fix his leg!
my mom has the same situation going on. she put blankets & food outside in the corner near a part of the outside that stays warmer. she tried the electric blankets but it started to snow and she didn't want them to get electrocuted. the cat she was taking care of had kittens and the neighbors still didn't care.
my parents have 2 cats, so they can't let them in. my dad would flip out if she let them stay in the garage because he 's his cars...
my mom knows lots of people in the neighborhood so she asked around and found the kitties homes. then my mom took the mom & the kittens to the vet, got them shots and gave them to her friends. i guess she is a cat stealer. but i feel like it's okay.
I feel sorry for people who don't drink. When they wake up in the morning, that's as good as they're going to feel all day. -Frank Sinatra
i don't know how the SPCA is in your area, NCshopper, but i would have the same concerns. the one here in dallas is so overrun with animals that they have to euthanize every day just to be able to make room for the new animals. one of the kitties that i got was about to be euthanized b/c they couldn't afford her medical care.
when i got her, she had a hernia, several parasites, congestion, etc - she was on four medications at once, some having to be taken twice a day - she's totally fine now, but the SPCA just doesn't have the time nor the money to take care of sick cats. most likely if this cat is sick at all, they'll put him down. they have so many cats they can barely take care of the healthy ones.
i would explore alternative options - the best the SPCa could probably do for you is give you some advice or direction, but i doubt they can do anything.
In the middle of reading this I went out to get my kitty and squeeze him. I love kittys and I would put food out and blankets for him so he could come over to a nice place. I know this would be hard because you get attached and your DH does not want a cat but at least you know you are helping it. I hope you find a shelter or a good home for him. Oh maybe if charlie comes around his cat charm will rub off on DH and you could keep him.Please let us know how it goes. Hugs to you and Charile
Okay, well the good news is that when I went outside this morning to get the paper, Charlie wasn't outside, so I'm guessing they brought him in for the night. I'm thinking they were just gone late last night and didn't have a chance to bring him in. Usually if he's outside and he sees me, he comes trotting over for me to pet him and he purrs and gets all snuggly. So, I'm thinking he was inside this morning.
I'm going to keep an eye on the situation and see what happens for the time being. I know he deserves a great home and I know I'd give him one if I could, but I also don't want to take him away from a family if they love him, and I especially don't want to do that if the shelter puts him to sleep and the family just gets a new cat.
I definitely like the blanket idea. I'll make a cozy little nest for him on our porch and see if he takes to that.
I just got around to reading this post and am glad things seem to be looking up.
I too am a cat lover and always made sure any strays that came around got taken care of.
Aside from putting a bed of sorts out, I'd get a small bag of cat food and have it on hand if he comes around and seems like he needs a little extra nutrition.
Can you have a cat? Steal it. Keep it as an indoor cat and give the poor thing a better life. I know that sounds weird, but they don't deserve the animal! Besides, would they care if the cat was actually gone?
As much as I would love to just steal the cat, I just don't see how that could work. When DH and I got married we made a pact: I wouldn't get a cat and he would get rid of his guns (I just don't want a gun in my house). So, no cat, no guns.
The other thing would be that occasionally they come over, so they'd eventually see the cat living here. I'm also afraid that if we, or an animal shelter, were to take the cat, they'd just get another new cat and then this problem would be on our hands again.