I am on a...shopping ban!!! I want to save up money and buy me something totally fab. for my Birthday in March!! Or I just want to save up and then go ona shopping spree for my Bday!
The thing that works best for me is to avoid temptation. If I don't go into the stores, I do ok. I also delete emails from my fave online shops without even opening them.
Just think, you can spend all this ban time picking out the perfect thing to buy when you are done.
I give myself a little allowance, for me it's $20 a week. That way I can get SOMETHING to satisfy my shopping habit but it doesn't cost me too much. Good luck!
Ditto. I think an allowance is much easier for me to deal with than a full on ban. But if you have a big purchase in mind that you're saving up for, I would think that would make a ban a lot easier to deal with.
Yeah, I may re-join the ban, and spend $20-$30/week, so far I've spent $14.00 today, but w/all this TEMPTATION out there, UGH! It's going to be hard!!!
"Until you spread your wings, you'll have no idea how far you can fly".
I'm on a shopping diet too! I've decided to try and limit my shopping and monthly CC bills to a manageable amount. I tried a full fledge ban but that was too hard so now I'm trying to buy a little but not go overboard and its seeming to work. I've been staying out of the mall and that has been helping but to tell you the truth I went to BR and White & Black yesterday and wasn't even tempted to buy anything because I'm also doing the I must love it to buy it and I didn't love anything. I think that is the best trick and I don't know who taught me that on here but Thanks!
My birthday is in March too and I usually take a trip to visit my family, so that always calls for some good shopping because the mall there is tons better. I kind of rely on birthday money for that but end up spending my own too.
So I am currently cutting back too. Yesterday I resisted temtation at Target. They had some fun jewelry I wanted, and then the Global home decor stuff was 30% off and they have this vase I want sooo bad! I might go and get it today since it's not clothes.