Two days ago my BF was sitting in the breakfast nook at night and saw something dart across from the back yard to the other side of the hosue. He said it was big and fast! Bigger then him and taller! So last night I had a dream that I saw a sasquatch at the side of the house and I saw it's eyes! Creepy because most times my dreams come true! I'd rather not find any footprints!
Cortney - I think you should put some food out for it and hook up a video camera...
I had a dream that I was in our patio area and saw an owl making a nest in a vent on our roof. It was odd because I'd never seen an owl in the wild before, and in my dream I was all concerned because it was going to lay eggs and we'd have to remove the nest so it wouldn't block the vent.
the next evening, my husband and I were standing outside in our patio. I looked up in the big tree we have there, and there was the owl. I kid you not. sitting there on a low branch looking at us. I suppose he may have been there to catch mice that come at night and scavenge the bird seed that scatters from the bird feeder.
I talked to the owl for a while (because I'm weird that way with animals) and he didn't budge. We eventually went inside. When I checked back, he was gone. First and last time I saw an owl. And it was preceded by that dream.
A friend of mine proclaimed I "had a vision." I did a little research on owls in dreams and it can refer to reproduction, as well as obtaining a new level of awareness in life. so that's my story.
Not sure it applies to Big Foot though
"Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess." ~ Edna Woolman Chase