Storm Dumps Foot of Snow on Northeast By SAMANTHA GROSS, Associated Press Writer
document.write(getElapsed("20060212T131558Z")); 38 minutes agoUPDATED 23 MINUTES AGO
NEW YORK - The region's first major storm this winter slammed the Northeast with a foot of snow by early Sunday and showed no signs of letting up, canceling flights from Boston to Washington, D.C., and knocking out power to tens of thousands of homes.
The New York metro area and much of the Northeast were under a blizzard warning, with the National Weather Service predicting winds up to 50 mph could bring down trees and power lines. Heavy snow warnings were issued from eastern Kentucky to New England.
On average, 12 to 18 inches of snow were expected throughout the metro region, with temperatures as low as 23 degrees, forecasters said. In Wayne, N.J., a foot of snow had accumulated early Sunday, National Weather Service meteorologist Michael Silva said. About half that was reported in New York City and Long Island.
In Maryland, more than 70,000 customers were without power, according to Baltimore Gas & Electric Company's Web site. Power was also out at hundreds of homes in New Jersey and Long Island.
In a rare display, lightning bolts joined the snow over LaGuardia Airport, where most airlines had canceled all flights until Sunday afternoon. Delta, Delta Shuttle and American Airlines had canceled all flights at the airport until Monday, said Steve Coleman, spokesman for The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey
More than 100 Sunday flights were canceled at John F. Kennedy International airport, including all Delta flights, and several carriers canceled most or all of their Sunday departing flights at Newark Liberty International.
Delta said it canceled its Sunday arrivals and departures at several other airports in the storm's path, including those in Philadelphia; Boston; Baltimore; Newark; Providence, R.I.; Washington, D.C.; and Hartford, Conn.
Four inches of snow had accumulated in parts of Fairfax, Va. late Saturday, and crews worked to clear the runways at Washington Dulles International Airport in suburban Virginia.
But the storm is good news and free advertising for ski resorts after an unseasonably warm January dragged down business, said Betsy Strickler at Jiminy Peak ski resort in western Massachusetts.
"The best PR is when people look up in the sky ... see the snow start to fall," she said.
In the hours before the snow began falling, New York residents formed long lines at supermarkets as they stocked up on bottled water and basic supplies.
The city's 353 salt-spreading plow trucks went out with 200,000 tons of rock salt on hand, said Kathy Dawkins, spokeswoman for the Department of Sanitation. Twenty machines throughout the five boroughs would be melting up to 60 tons of snow per hour, she said.
The department's trucks have some 6,300 miles of city streets and roads to plow _ about the distance from New York to Los Angeles and back, Dawkins said.
The New Jersey Department of Transportation had prepared 600 trucks to plow snow and spread salt, plus 1,100 contractor trucks, the department said. Officials also lowered the speed limit on the entire length of the New Jersey Turnpike to 45 mph.
In Maryland, about 2,100 road workers were on the job and more than 1,900 salt trucks and plows were out clearing roads _ nearly a full deployment, officials said.
Associated Press writers Nahal Toosi and Desmond Butler in New York City, Bruce Shipkowski in Trenton, Sarah Brumfield in Baltimore and Brandie M. Jefferson in Boston contributed to this report.
"Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess." ~ Edna Woolman Chase
i made it to work this morning (yep, 8 am on a sunday) easily enough. I put on my hiking boots, furry trapper's hat, big coat and snowboarding pants and trudged to the subway. On the way to the train, I stopped, fell on my back and made a snow angel.
Yesterday, in anticipation of the storm, I bought sleds for me and my husband. We live across the street from a fair-sized park in brooklyn that has great hills. I can't wait until I finish work at 4 to get home and hit the hills and have a snowball fight.
I prefer warm weather, but for some reason I've been jonesing for a good snowstorm.
ah - sledding... maybe if I get the stitch written soon enough, maybe I'll venture out myself - our sleds are very much neglected... I was also wondering if the pond out back is frozen enough to shovel off for ice skating...
I love that you spontaneously made a snow angel - totally the type of thing I would do - carpe diem!
"Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess." ~ Edna Woolman Chase
ugh, I am so not going aywhere today! We got about 8 inches in DC- which around here is more than enough to make most people drive like crazy people. I think I'll stay inside where it's safe...
Seriously, I haven't seen even a flake this year and usually we get at least a few snow storms. How is it possible that you guys got snow in Atlanta, atlgirl, and we didn't even get a flake?!?!?!
Well, it's almost all burned off now, if that's any consolation! We usually don't keep snow for long. Denver, CO is actually warmer than Atlanta today. Weird.
All I know is that I'm bundled up in thermals, sweats, a hoodie, and have the space heater on, and it's STILL cold in our house. Yech. (I'm such a baby about cold weather).
"Good taste shouldn't have to cost anything extra." - Mickey Drexler
I'm in NJ and it's still snowing hard! The snowhas reached the hood and trunk of my car. I live in an apartment complex and I don't know what I'm going to do when I have to clean off my car because there is nowhere to put the snow! But I love it!
yep...still snowing hard here in philadephia! it's so awesome. i don't really like snow...but when it snows it better be snowing a lot to make it all worthwhile. the bf and i went out this morning really early, like 7:30, and got the workout of a lifetime. it's so amazing what this much snow does to a city, everybody is suddenly nice and friendly and smiling. there is so much camaraderie in trudging through kneehigh snow drifts. and im especially excited for all the kids in my class from los angeles who haven't really seen snow. there is one girl who ive gotten to be good friends with and she's so cute, all excited back in november when we got flurries and now she gets to enjoy this! anyway...snow on! but be careful!
"But I want you to remember, I intend this breast satirically." Susan from Coupling
I'm in Rhode Island, and it's snowing and windy. We were supposed to get 18" overnight, but when I got up at 5:00 to go to work (people need their coffee ), we only got about a foot. I started snowing pretty good at around 8:30, they sent me home at 9, and it hasn't stopped yet. They say we're supposed to get what NY got before 5 today. We'll see...
It's Bananas here in Connecticut!It's about 1 foot of snow. It's still coming down.I just called my boss and told her to cancel Christmas, I wouldn't be in. She said the lights in the mall were'nt even on just her store and Godiva were open.
I'm suppose to go the Bronx tomorrow for my exit interview (this is my last week at the gig ) but if the roads are still bad I won't go- hopefully the wench (my district manager) will let me reschedule.
So I'm sitting here just watching TV
any online sites having any good sales girls?- I've already hit up magnolia yesterday- thanks ayo.
I'm in lower Manhattan and it's still snowing! The flakes are a lot smaller than they were this morning. Out the window I've seen some neighborhood dogs frolicing in the drifts and looking very happy. My BF has to work today and is not too pleased about it, so I promised to make a roast chicken for dinner. When it's cold and snowy I find it very comforting to cook something in the oven. Besides that, today I'm doing laundry and some homework.
Okay, I just got back from Target and I saw a few snowflakes. I was all excited, but it's really not doing anything. It's not sticking and you pretty much have to squint just to see the snowflakes, so I don't think it counts. Phooey!
Denver, CO is actually warmer than Atlanta today. Weird.
Yup, we're finally up to about 43 here now - but before that storm got to you, it passed through here and dropped a couple inches of snow along with plummeting temps - we didn't get above 25 Friday, and barely broke freezing yesterday!
Totally jealous of all your snow though! Like I said, we only got and inch or two out of the deal - I want a blizzard damnit !
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}