I'm looking for some info on CO. Seems my little guy is a pretty good skiier and a fast learner. Seems I'm getting antsy for a change of scenery. Just so happens there's a branch of hubby's company in Boulder, and he's friends w/ the President. So, Colorado girls, a couple of questions just for my own mental stockpile of info:
1. What are the good towns around Boulder?
2. Where are the good ski areas with cute town centers?
3. How are house prices?
4. How logical would it be for me to hope to find a mountainside home?
1. What are the good towns around Boulder? Boulder itself is actually pretty nice - small college town and a liberal/hippy vibe. The burbs between Denver and Boulder all have very nice areas and would be a reasonable commute - Denver to Boulder is only a little over an hour.
2. Where are the good ski areas with cute town centers? Not much of a skier myself, so I can't really comment. From what I hear though, pretty much every ski area is a good ski area, but people have their preferences. Nothing is more than a 3 hour drive from Denver though.
3. How are house prices? RIDICULOUS, in a word. They're the worst in Denver city limits, but the burbs are less so. $350k would be low end for a home big enough for your family IMO.
4. How logical would it be for me to hope to find a mountainside home? Since you'd be on the west side, you'd have a fabulous view pretty much anywhere. There's lots of undeveloped land and such between Denver and Boulder, so you could probably get a bit of property. To be in the foothills, you'd have to go West of Boulder.
HTH! Let us know if you have any other questions .
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeee! I would a Denver ST gathering! I think Lynnie is coming sometime soon-ish as well, and Poptart and I haven't gotten together since the summer.
You might have to plan a 'house scouting trip' Missmee!
-- Edited by Elle at 13:21, 2006-02-12
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
1. Good towns around Boulder: depends what vibe you want. Nederland is more in the mountains, and is supposedly more reasonably priced. It's very crunchy. Longmont is the "new Boulder" - it is north of Boulder (away from Denver). Lots of younger people from Boulder have moved there to start families. East and a bit south of Boulder (toward Denver) are Broomfield, Louisville, Lafayette, and eventually Westminster and Arvada. These are all more like suburbs of Denver. There are areas near Broomfield/Arvada that are somewhat less developed, but I wouldn't call anything in the immediate area "undeveloped" - Denver is huge and hugely booming. Almost directly South of Boulder is Golden - which is more like an independent city than a suburb and has spectacular mountain views - on par with Boulder itself. It's about a 20-30 minute drive from Boulder, and you can go "through the canyon" to ski areas.
2. Good ski areas with cute town centers: Most of them are pretty manufactured. If you want a traditional ski town, Steamboat and Telluride are probably the best. Unfortunately, they are also farther away. (I think Steamboat is 4 hours and Telluride is about 8).
3. House prices: High. In Denver city limits, a nice older home for a family of 5 would easily go for 500,000. Boulder is actually more expensive, I believe. In the new construction areas (which would encompass most of the other towns I named about) I would say Elle's 350,000 estimate is doable.
4.Mountainside home: Hmmm. It's pretty expensive, as you can probably gather from other price estimates. I'm not sure I agree with Elle on the undeveloped land between Denver and Boulder. There is some, but not much. And that wouldn't really put you *in* the mountains, per se. Directly west of Denver are some other communities - Gennessee, Morrison - that have a more *in* the mountains feel. And Elle is right, to get that around Boulder you'd have to go west of Boulder city.
Forget, forgive, conclude, and be agreed. - Shakespeare
I'm not sure I agree with Elle on the undeveloped land between Denver and Boulder. There is some, but not much. And that wouldn't really put you *in* the mountains, per se.
The land of which I speak is on Hwy 36 around Flatiron - not a *lot* of land per se, but nothing like the chock full subdivisions that are being thrown up left and right everywhere else it seems!
Seems there are also some larger lots/property in Colorado Mills, which is just South of Golden.
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
Are there towns that aren't liberal crunchy? maybe more superficial? A girl still needs to shop and look fabulous!
Oh, be assured that it is liberal crunchy in the most yuppy way possible ! There are a lot of very well-off people here, and they like everyone else to know it. There is a HUGE mall/shopping complex that's pretty much equal distance from both Boulder and Denver, and an high end outlet mall in Colorado Mills, and a couple outlets in Golden. Nowhere I've seen has there been a shortage of designer jeans, bags, or shoes, crunchy or otherwise. You can't go 3 houses in the metro area without running into a Lexus/BMW/Mercedes/Saab! It's more a matter of wether you'd like to frolic amongst the Rebuplican yuppies (Denver) or democratic yuppies (Boulder).
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
Elle wrote: MissMee wrote: Are there towns that aren't liberal crunchy? maybe more superficial? A girl still needs to shop and look fabulous! Oh, be assured that it is liberal crunchy in the most yuppy way possible ! There are a lot of very well-off people here, and they like everyone else to know it. There is a HUGE mall/shopping complex that's pretty much equal distance from both Boulder and Denver, and an high end outlet mall in Colorado Mills, and a couple outlets in Golden. Nowhere I've seen has there been a shortage of designer jeans, bags, or shoes, crunchy or otherwise. You can't go 3 houses in the metro area without running into a Lexus/BMW/Mercedes/Saab! It's more a matter of wether you'd like to frolic amongst the Rebuplican yuppies (Denver) or democratic yuppies (Boulder).
Totally agree! Although, Denver is actually more democrat than republican. It's the rest of the state that's screwing us up.
And, Elle, you are right about Flatiron area being less developed. It's hard for me to see that b/c when I first moved here, there was literally nothing there. Nothing. So it's always a little shocking for me now!
Forget, forgive, conclude, and be agreed. - Shakespeare