I posted in the career section, but I really need advice/reassurance/SOMETHING. I just got back from my interview. If you could call it that. Basically, the woman didn't ask me a single question. It was "so tell me about what you do now" "ok, let me tell you about us" "bye, I'll be making my decision by the end of next week." wtf? I am so qualified for this job but how was I supposed to get that out?
I dunno. I don't think I necessarily did BAD, but I kind of babbled on like an idiot and I certainly didn't knock their socks off. Right now I'm just hoping that I'm the most qualified and I get by on that.
im sorry it went badly and it was their fault, thats so frustrating. when i interviewed for my current job the interview was weird like that too. my (now) boss would just make a statement about what he wanted and then look at me rather than asking questions. i didn't know how to react to that format. the good news is, i got the job. hopefully everyone else had weird interviews too so you will still stand out.
I think you should think of it as a good sign. She must have known you were qualified from your resume or references and didn't need to waste time on you!
There could be a lot of reasons for this. At worst, it's a sign that you didn't click with an employee, and possibly would hate the rest of them too. Also, sometimes organizations have to post jobs and conduct interviews to satisfy public records laws, but the job's already been filled. Or maybe that's just hte way she is, and she thought the interview went great. You never know.
It sounds like your gut is saying something's wrong though, and I'm really sorry about that and hope you're wrong. Anyway, I'm still keeping my fingers crossed until you find out one way or the other!
The interview for my current job was so very awkward. My future boss would ask me a question, I would answer it, and he would just stare at me for an uncomfortably long time. So I got the nervous giggles and was certain I blew it. So I was surprised when I got the call.
I agree that they may have the position filled. The reason I say that is years ago I was temping as a receptionist at the same place for 6 mos. They decided it was time to hire me, but they had to interview 3 outside people, too. At the time, I really felt bad for the nervous, just out of college women that came in. They went to all that trouble, probably wore their only suit, etc. But then again, the job sucked and I still have credit card debt from trying to survive on those tiny paychecks, so they were lucky they never had to live through that hell.
I have read this post a couple times & I really don't know what to say. It sounds like she was ill equipped to run an interview & pick a candidate. Do you really want to work with people like that? That's kind of how I would look at it. I'm just at a loss & surprised.....
here's the flip side - did the things you said cover everything she wanted to know & you are so clearly the winner she didn't need to ask you anything else & was then trying to sell you on them?
still confused though. poor you.
-- Edited by laken1 at 22:49, 2006-02-07
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad
unfortunately I know someone who works there, and I'm pretty sure that they don't already have someone they want for the position. I think the lady just has no clue how to administer an interview.
I got out most of what I had been hoping for, just a little less eloquently than I had hoped to I guess. My thoughts were a little disorganized since I didn't have a question to focus on. I was not prepared to just go in there and give a presentation on myself.
And no, Laken, I'm not sure i want to work with people like that. The job sounding absolutely AMAZING, but she was so cold and impersonal! If the office climate is normally like that, I would go crazy. Plus, the people were all dressed so boringly. I can't think of a more PC way to say this, but they were dressed very "Republican" (and I say that with love, so I'm allowed). I mean, 20 somethings should not be looking that similar to Laura Bush.