Im going today to get more fish... havent in such a long time- I d say about 6 years that Ive had this last batch and they are starting to die off. I have had an aquarium going for the last 10 years and that first year I had a whole lot of casualties. But, when I learned how to get my system balanced, it is pretty much self-sustaining. Anyone else have fish?
I don't right now but the new house we just obught actually has aquariums built into parts of the kitchen. Any recommendations on some good fish for us to get?
I'm thinking balls are to men what purses are to women. It's just a little bag, but we feel naked in public without it.
Carrie Bradshaw
I have a freshwater aquarium. But since we moved I'm having a really hard time keeping my water balanced and last week my favorite fish, Finnigan -my 4 year old orange ryukin, died. I think if the other fish die I'm done with aquariums for awhile.
I have had a 30 gallon for about 3 years now. me and hubby just moved though and 4 of our fish didn't survive the move :( We went to PEtsmart Sunday and bought 4 fish to replace the ones that died and one of those died the next day! Our water tested fine so I'm not sure what happened. My oldest fish is 3 years old and it was a cheapie fish from walmart (a gold barb). I love it! I'll probably cry big time when it dies.
Collette: Thats so great that you will have a built in tank! How dramatic that will be. Start out slow with your fish- just put a few in to get your tank cycled and to allow the good bacteria to grow that is necessary for fish to survive. Tetras are in my experience the easiest to begin with. They are hearty and most, if not all, are aquaruim born and this is what makes them a strong fish for beginners. It is also facsinating to see when you get all of one type of tetra and they school as a group. The larger species of fish, such as: gouramis, angelfish, discus- they are more tempermental and need constant care to get them to thrive. Some larger fish can also be more territorial, aggressive and cause injury to other fish. Start small!!
Needsfashionadvice: Yes, I have lost some fish in moves too- its alot of stress on them.
Brazencanadian: Right now I have tetras left. Neons, Black skirted, and lemon. Ive had some discus and I was only able to keep the pair alive for about four years, but it was a constant challenge: water changes, treating them for various gill problems. They did grow really large and were so blue, almost a neon color.
I got back from the pet store and got 4 angelfish:Angelfish
Some tetras that are easy to keep:Skirted tetraHarlequin tetracolumbian