i rear-ended someone today it was pouring down rain and when i hit the brakes, i just kept sliding and slammed right into a huge pick-up truck that was stopped at a light. of course the truck was barely scratched and since my car (honda civic) is little, it went under their bumper and the entire front end is crushed in. i'm pretty sure it's totaled but i won't find out for sure until tomorrow when the insurance lady looks at it. it sucks because we are just trying to get my husband's credit cards paid off and start really saving some money for a house and stuff. now i need a new car, and because it's my fault, our insurance will go up, etc. etc. i am so mad at myself. i know it wasn't totally in my control with the wet roads and all, but i feel stupid and like i could have prevented if i had been driving more carefully and hit the brakes sooner.
I know that it sucks, but at least you are okay, and it wasn't like it was something that could of been prevented. Driving in the rain is very dangerous.
Aww, that sucks! I had the EXACT same thing happen to me. I have a Honda Civic and I rear-ended a Yukon in the rain and my hood looked like an accordion. It looked terrible, but it turned out that it was fixable. I'll keep my fingers crossed that it's the same for you and that your car isn't totalled. Glad you weren't hurt!
"i tell you one lesson I learned
If you want to be something in life, You ain't gonna get it unless, You give a little bit of sacrifice, Oohh, sometimes before you smile you got to cry.." -The Roots
Hang in there, valenciana. Accidents (esp. if you are the "at fault" party) are never fun, but you and your husband will get through it. Glad you are okay - that's most important - and hey, you get a new car out of the deal...
"Good taste shouldn't have to cost anything extra." - Mickey Drexler
Oh I am so sorry, the same exact scenario happened to my friend, I was in the car with him at the time. That was my first time in an small accident. Luckily he was able to get his car repaired. I am crossing my fingers and sending you good vibes!!!
poor thing, thank goodness you're ok! the same thing happened to me back in 2001-- pouring rain, in front of a big blue bronco (i think that's what it was) and i was driving a nissan altima at the time and well...may it rest in peace. it sucked because i'd saved up every penny to buy that car and then i just felt like i killed it and it died saving me. melodramatic i know but it was my first car (i got my license verry late in life, at like 22). so anyway, my point is i feel your pain. will you get a decent amount back from the insurance do you think?
it sucked because i'd saved up every penny to buy that car and then i just felt like i killed it and it died saving me. melodramatic i know but it was my first car (i got my license verry late in life, at like 22). so anyway, my point is i feel your pain. will you get a decent amount back from the insurance do you think?
i'm glad i'm not the only one to feel silly things like that! my poor little car, it took care of me so well and never gave me any trouble, and then i just destroyed it. but yes...i already found out that i will get a check for a few hundred over the blue book value (less my deductible of course), so that should help.