My hubby and I think we might be ready for a puppy! LOL - we've been putting it off for a while because we are out of the home so much, we hated to leave a dog at home for 12 hours at a time. But my hubby is now home by 4:00 everyday. He said I can pick out this dog, since it will be our indoor dog...later he wants to get a larger dog for hunting, etc.
So, we can't decide what to get. I would love a mini weiner dog! I also like beagles (the 13 inch or under). Other thoughts were a yorkie or itailian greyhound.
Any of you have any of these and can tell me their quirks? I've been reading up, but would love to hear from some of you.
Get a mini weiner dog!!! My BF and I plan to get one in the next 6 mos. to a year. I can't really speak to their quirks, but from everyone I know who has one - they are great, loving dogs.
I would say don't get a mini beagle - my friends bought one and he is such a hyper dog, it's ridiculous - they have a hard time controlling him, and he barks a lot. It could be just him though, but it turned me off!
ETA: I had a toy poodle (we didn't shave/cut him like a poodle) for 20 years of my life - yep, he lived for 20 years! He was the best dog ever. He was only about 10lbs at his biggest, barely ever barked or whined and was so playful and loving. I could not have asked for a better dog, and he was so easy to train.
Honestly I would continue to research and do your best to make your decision based on how well the dog's tendencies and personality fit with your lifestyle. IMO you really willl be happier in the long run.
That said, I've heard wonderful things about greyhounds. They are very gentle and not agressive, and you could even rescue a retired racer! You might also consider a Whippet, which are like a smaller version of a greyhound.
We live above a beagle. He barks, howls, and bays at everything.
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
I LOVE my cockapoo. Cocker spanial and poodle mix. They are small dogs, but not yippy like some. They don't shed at all! They don't have any really bad health problems like some dogs are prone to. Weiner dogs often have back problems. My dog loves people, all people really. She needs to be in the same room as people. Like, if I come home, she'll follow me from room to room whatever it is I'm doing. It's so cute.
I want a small dog so bad! I won't let myself get one until I quit working. I wouldn't feel comfortable leaving a little doggie home along for hours. I heard some breeds are awful to leave alone. They will get depressed or chew your house up.
the one big problem with beagles is that they HOWL non-stop. i would think about that before getting one--whether or not you could handle listening to that late at night, basically 22 of the 24 hours in a day. they can't help it, and can't be trained out of it, so it's something to seriously consider.
I have a Yorkie-poo. He's about 9 lbs full grown, very cuddly and loving.. He doesnt shed and is very loyal. He also will not have any health problems down the road because the mixing should have made that go away.
bumblebee wrote: the one big problem with beagles is that they HOWL non-stop. i would think about that before getting one--whether or not you could handle listening to that late at night, basically 22 of the 24 hours in a day. they can't help it, and can't be trained out of it, so it's something to seriously consider.
That is so interesting. I know 3 different friends with beagles and they are angels! I know their owners put a lot of time into training them, but all three of them are so cute. The only time they bark or howl around me is if they see another dog or their owners start playing/getting rough with them.
I have a golden doodle and would totally recommend getting one. They are sweet, smart dogs. Half golden retreiver and half poodle. That said if you do not want to pay for a dog I would highly recommend a shelter dog. Looking back I wish I had rescued a dog from a shelter. Though I love my dog and he's the best in the world there are so many dogs out there that need a good home. Good luck and let us know what you decide!
I'm thinking balls are to men what purses are to women. It's just a little bag, but we feel naked in public without it.
Carrie Bradshaw
I know Shih Tzu's aren't on your list, but I have to give them my vote! My hubby and I just adopted our second one this past weekend! We have two sweet boys. They're great apartment dogs, don't shed, and don't need tons of exercise. Mine are very quiet and only bark when someone knocks on the door so we don't worry about excessive noise.
i have 2 cavalier king charles spaniels and they are the cutest sweetest dogs ever. they are very loving and affectionate, all they want to do is sit in your lap. they love other animals and love people and kids even more.
they are usually 15-20 pounds. winston (below) is a boy and he is a little bigger than most.
madison is smaller and doesn't have quite as much hair as winston.
I love the King Charles and I dream of having one someday but they get heart problems and sometimes die suddenly when they are only 2 or 3 years old! How sad. I still want one though, it's just something to keep in mind.
i was at a party last night with this little thing...this isn't the actual puppy (i can't find the pictures on my computer anymore), but it's a puggle. a beagle/pug mix. i died and went to heaven last night (he fell asleep in my arms).
"i tell you one lesson I learned
If you want to be something in life, You ain't gonna get it unless, You give a little bit of sacrifice, Oohh, sometimes before you smile you got to cry.." -The Roots
shopgirl82 wrote: i was at a party last night with this little thing...this isn't the actual puppy (i can't find the pictures on my computer anymore), but it's a puggle. a beagle/pug mix. i died and went to heaven last night (he fell asleep in my arms).
My hubby put his foot down on this one : NO PUGGLE! He insists that we get a pure breed dog.
I did one of those online quizzes and it seems like either a yorkie, italian greyhound, or weiner dog is the best match for us. Looks like I was right on with my initial choices except for the beagle. I am leaning towards the italian greyhound...they are so cute. I would love to get a regular greyhound...and might some day, but for now I want smaller.
My hubby put his foot down on this one : NO PUGGLE! He insists that we get a pure breed dog.
well, i think you should divorce him!
"i tell you one lesson I learned
If you want to be something in life, You ain't gonna get it unless, You give a little bit of sacrifice, Oohh, sometimes before you smile you got to cry.." -The Roots