My cousin had a miscarriage this weekend. I was an only child, so she's the closest thing to a sister I have. I live about 2 hours away from her, so I can't stop by or go see her until this weekend. I am wondering what I could send her to let her know I'm thinking about her and maybe cheer her up a little...
Do I just send a card, or do I send flowers (seems wrong), or a "care package" if so, what do I include.
I am really at a blank here...I don't just want to call her (which I have already done and will continue to do).
well first of all I want to say Iam sorry and I think a litle care pkg is great , maybe just add some things that may cheer her up.You can put some some beauty products such as lotion, bubble bath, candles, or maybe some of her fav. things. HTH
Well, having gone through my lost pregnancy recently, it was very nice to get flowers from people to know they were thinking of me. And it made it look cheery around the house.
Well, having gone through my lost pregnancy recently, it was very nice to get flowers from people to know they were thinking of me. And it made it look cheery around the house.
She will be back at work this week, is it appropriate to send them to her there?
She will be back at work this week, is it appropriate to send them to her there?
Oh gosh, I don't know. I don't work anymore, so I was at home. I imagine it is hard for her to even be at work, I know I would break down if I was at work and got flowers this last week or so. Does she have a private office? If not, I'd try to send them to her at home.
FashionPrincess wrote: Well, having gone through my lost pregnancy recently, it was very nice to get flowers from people to know they were thinking of me. And it made it look cheery around the house. She will be back at work this week, is it appropriate to send them to her there?
I wouldn't. She'd have to explain why to people and she might not want to do that with coworkers. It's a pretty personla situation, so I wouldn't want to force her to have to share it with people.
I'd send them to her at home, maybe with some tea, bubble bath, and a nice candle.
Yeah, I'd send her either flowers or a little care package, and I'd definitely send them to her house instead of work. She probably wouldn't want to draw attention to herself right now, so sending them to her house would probably be best.