I saw the new one in the store today but still haven't received it at home. Does ANYONE get theirs before it hits newstands? I don't think I ever have and I've been a subscriber for about 2-3 years.
Bad taste is like a nice dash of paprika. We all could use more of it. It's no taste I'm against. -Diana Vreeland
No. If it makes you feel any better, I usually receive mine about 2 weeks after other girls on ST report getting theirs. I don't understand why because I live in San Francisco, so it's not like I'm in the country and it takes a while to get out there.
I just got my February one a week or two ago.
Veni, Vedi, Visa.
I came, I saw, I did a little shopping.
I don't think I ever get mine before it hits newsstands. Sucks, but on the other hand I only pay $1 an issue as a subscriber which beats spending $3-4 an issue at the store.
I got mine yesterday at the store. Thick but dissapointing! I think this may be my last issue I buy. Most of the things were too expensive to even consider purchasing. I know most of us aren't going to shell out $765 for peep-toe flats and all the soft jackets on page 244 ran an average price of $355 a piece! There was some affordable items, but not enough to equal out to the high-end goods.
What I found most interesting was how to behave in a store in Japan. I would be wierd to ignore hello's from anybody! I do like the no shoes in the dressing room and putting on a protective hood. It's so annoying when people get makup on stuff! The money tray is nice too. I wish we did that in the US!
Hopefully I will win a Lucky Break to make purchasing this magazine all the worthwhile.
I have not received mine but did glance at it at the bookstore this weekend. It looks like a good issue. I liked some of the ideas but alas everything was extremely pricey. I think that we need to realize that like Elle and Vogue, Lucky is a creative outlet for ideas but less than 1% is actually accessible to working slobs like ourselves. Once we accept this, we can move on and maybe someone else will create a new magazine that we will be happy with because there will be affordable items.
I have not received mine but did glance at it at the bookstore this weekend. It looks like a good issue. I liked some of the ideas but alas everything was extremely pricey. I think that we need to realize that like Elle and Vogue, Lucky is a creative outlet for ideas but less than 1% is actually accessible to working slobs like ourselves. Once we accept this, we can move on and maybe someone else will create a new magazine that we will be happy with because there will be affordable items.
well said! i just skimmed it and didn't really pay attention to the price points, but i def. agree with sunshinegirl. i think it's really hard to make a magazine that's universally affordable. imo the only way to really do it, would be to focus on mall stores b/c they're affordable & accessible, but that would be really, really boring. so i'd have more expensive "inspiration" than super affordable stuff i can find myself.