I live in the state of Massachusetts and everyone's electric bill has doubled within the past couple of months. I guess they deregulated the electric companies so now they can charge what they want. What the *u*k!! They are charging everyone so much money. We weren't here for practically the whole month and our bill was still high. Who do you write to to complain about these things?
I had a similar problem with natural gas. I contacted BPU (Board of Public Utilities). Do some research on line for your state's number. They really helped me out. They corrected the problem and our bill is cheap now!
Pepper, how much was your new bill? I live in MA too, and I haven't seen an elec bill recently, but ours used to be $50/month....how much did yours go up?
It's so expensive to live here - I share your pain!
i'm in ct and we just had an 18% increase too. it totally sucks!!! our bills were already outrageous b/c we have a hot tub -- $125 to $150 a month. but the past 2 months have been $225!!!
what sucks is i feel like there is nothing i can do to be more conservative about usage. we are already pretty good about limiting comsumption (minus the hot tub) just b/c it's the right thing to do. we could turn drain the hot tub ... but ... it's sooooo nice in the winter.
Pepper, how much was your new bill? I live in MA too, and I haven't seen an elec bill recently, but ours used to be $50/month....how much did yours go up? It's so expensive to live here - I share your pain!
Hey Christine - Ours was $166 for the month. We have a pretty small size living space and we weren't even here for a good portion of the month. We usually pay about $70 a month. Ouch. A huge increase. I don't even want to see a bill when we are here.
Pepper wrote: Christine wrote: Pepper, how much was your new bill? I live in MA too, and I haven't seen an elec bill recently, but ours used to be $50/month....how much did yours go up? It's so expensive to live here - I share your pain! Hey Christine - Ours was $166 for the month. We have a pretty small size living space and we weren't even here for a good portion of the month. We usually pay about $70 a month. Ouch. A huge increase. I don't even want to see a bill when we are here.
That is just outrageous! I am dreading getting the next new bill At least with this winter being oddly warm, we've saved some $ on the gas bill to help pay for electricity...
I live in the state of Massachusetts and everyone's electric bill has doubled within the past couple of months. I guess they deregulated the electric companies so now they can charge what they want. What the *u*k!! They are charging everyone so much money. We weren't here for practically the whole month and our bill was still high. Who do you write to to complain about these things?
Joe Kennedy (jk).
We're in Mass too, our bill was $165-it's usually about $110-120 in the winter (we have elec heat) and $60 in the summer.
I live in the state of Massachusetts and everyone's electric bill has doubled within the past couple of months. I guess they deregulated the electric companies so now they can charge what they want. What the *u*k!! They are charging everyone so much money. We weren't here for practically the whole month and our bill was still high. Who do you write to to complain about these things?
I know I'm late on this but I work for an electric company and here, you call your corporation commission. That is also true in most other states. Also you can see if they have wind power for an option. I'm saving a minimum of $10 each month by being signed up for wind power. Believe it or not the price of gas does affect your electric bill since gas is used to make electricity. So some companies (like mine here) are offering discounts for signing up for wind power.
"Thanks to Stephenie Meyer everytime I hear thunder, I imagine vampires playing baseball."
i'm in ct and we just had an 18% increase too. it totally sucks!!! our bills were already outrageous b/c we have a hot tub -- $125 to $150 a month. but the past 2 months have been $225!!! what sucks is i feel like there is nothing i can do to be more conservative about usage. we are already pretty good about limiting comsumption (minus the hot tub) just b/c it's the right thing to do. we could turn drain the hot tub ... but ... it's sooooo nice in the winter.
what part of CT do you live in? I just moved from Bridgeport to New Haven my last bill was almost double. It was higher than any month that I've run my damn AC! (My heat was included in common charges)
Here is something interesting I notice comparing Eastern WA and Western WA:
In the west Puget power is expensive even if you keep your usage rather low, so I notice people around here keep their lights off! Christmas lights only are on when it gets dark until people go to bed, they don't leave them on all night. I also notice people don't even leave porch lights on, they keep their house pretty dark.
In the east side of the mountains power is cheap. When I go to my parents house everybody leaves EVERYTHING on! I kept turning everything off after everybody. They would leave 3 tv's on at once and nobody would be watching or have been in the room for hours, also they will leave their bedroom lights on in the day all day long! And a couple times I open the pantry to see they left the light on in their too! They could really cut their bill in half if they just turned some lights off!
I understand, I need to call someone about our most recent elec. bill as well. For March, it was $150, and for this past month it was $238!! I damn near fell out of my seat, it's NEVER been this high, even during the hottest Texas Summer months!!! They don't even come out and read our meters anymore, they do them electronically, so I'm skeptical about that as well. Maybe I should contact the Public Utility Commission???? This is crazy! It went up damn near $90.00!!! We used 17,002 previously, and 19,149 elec. usage for April. Didn't think it'd be THAT MUCH more.
-- Edited by TheLovelyLady71 at 11:03, 2006-04-30
"Until you spread your wings, you'll have no idea how far you can fly".