Ok I'm officially a bored housewife. I need a hobby. I already volunteer 2 nights a week but that's not enough. I'm going crazy. I tried scrap booking. I ran out of pictures. I tried knitting, hated it.
Can someone please help me find a hobby? I like arts and crafts type things but have no real talent. Help before I drive my DH crazy!! ( and no working is not an option, I'm not that bored.)
I'm thinking balls are to men what purses are to women. It's just a little bag, but we feel naked in public without it.
Carrie Bradshaw
I suggest cooking too. You and your husband will both reap the benefits, and it's a satisfying feeling to create a really great meal. Plus, if you get really into it, it will take up more of your time (like if you make pasta from scratch or your own bread, for example). Or you could learn to sew.
i think taking classes at a local community college (or community center) is a great idea. i usually try to take two a year. right now my class is sign language...and in the summer, i'd like to take a french refresher course.
cooking classes are a lot of fun, too. i am debating an asian vegetarian class, but i'm not sure if it will work with my schedule..
I second laken's suggestion of craftster.org. If you don't find something you like, you will at least burn up a week looking at the posted projects!! And don't miss the tattoo thread. It is very cool!! I have spent a looooooong time looking at that thread.
i think taking classes at a local community college (or community center) is a great idea. i usually try to take two a year. right now my class is sign language...and in the summer, i'd like to take a french refresher course. cooking classes are a lot of fun, too. i am debating an asian vegetarian class, but i'm not sure if it will work with my schedule..
i am with erin. i think classes are fun. i always wanted to take ballet when i was a kid and never got to so once i took an adult ballet class. i loved it and if i had the time, i would go back.
think of things you always wanted to learn and do and then seek out classes in order to learn. it will be very fulfilling!
I agree with everyone else, think of something that you have been wanting to do or try and take a class. Learn a language, a lot of town/cities have special intrest classes like cooking and such. Also take a class at the community college or the university.
I agree with the 'take a class' suggestion. Learn a new language, take dance lessons, take tennis lessons, take an art history course. If I even win the lottery, that's what I loved to do - take classes (not necessarily graded) and quit my job.
How about a floral design class? I am partial to this since it is what I do for a living, but, this knowledge can save you alot of $ in decorating your home. You will learn about color, texture, depth in design- which can not only be applied in the construction of silk and fresh floral design. But, you also start to get a new perspective on design in general that you can use for overall decorating in your home. It is fun and saves you money!!
Who's someone you admire? And what is something that has always sounded cool? Personally, I have no hobbies in law school, but I used to kickbox and when I get out I might get into motorcycles. I also love cooking. And have you thought about writing? You express yourself really well... Good luck, this is one of my goals for this year (to find something that will fit with my schedule, besides Stylethread of course), because it really makes your life complete to have something you do just for you.
Learn to make jewelry, it'll be something you can really use.
I agree, I really want to get into this becuse I can customize pieces to outfits I have, or make other pieces to match ones I already have, and it's probably cheaper then buying all new jewelry. There is a really cool bead shop by my house and I love this website: http://www.beadshop.com for lots of ideas, things to buy, instructions.
i know you said you don't want to find a job, but is there any field or industry that you're interested in that you could intern/assist for someone? if i had a lot of free time, i would probably work for an interior designer - just follow them around and go with them to meet with clients and come up with ideas. or i'd work in an upscale fabric store helping people pick things out for their home projects. i'd be willing to do it for free, since i would guess it's probably fun work and i would probably learn a lot. and (most importantly), it would likely also mean a large discount on furniture and fabrics!
Lately I have been sewing in my freetime. Right now I'm obsessed with making aprons and I am even making money at it. I need to get started on a baby blanket since I will have a new niece mid March. There are all sorts of neat thing you can sew, I like sifting through the pattern books at my fabrics store and browsing fabrics and notions.