I have not one, not two, but three tests tomorrow (tom OR row, thanks blubirde!). I haven't studied a thing yet! One is a book test, haven't even read the book. Gahh! The internet + senioritis = no work for TOJ.
Bad taste is like a nice dash of paprika. We all could use more of it. It's no taste I'm against. -Diana Vreeland
Off topic, but what is this thing about tom or row? Because here is a secret of mine, EVERY time I have to spell that world, I say Tom Or Row in my head. Just thought you should know that...
Aside from that, I have a test tomorrow too and I'm on ST so I'm right there with you!
haha I use to have to turn my computer off during finals so I wouldn't get on ST or the old FH and study instead. Sometimes it would work and I would study and sometimes it wouldn't. oh well. what is your book test on? maybe you can google the book and read the synopsis on the chapters?
I guess I'm joining in on the bandwagon too. I've got to write a couple of essays by tomorrow and so far I've done nothing. I keep chekcing in on ST instead.
Ha! I wish I'd seen this last night because all freakin' week I've a deadline looming at work and of course I couldn't seem to focus at work (maybe because ST was up?) so I took all the work home last night and when I got online to download some of the docs, I spent about an hour on ST looking at everything and posting - instead of doing the work that I'd already put off so much I had to do it at home! We're all pathetic, you guys.
The book test was a funny joke. I bombed. It was for Crime and Punishment, which I actually want to read someday but I hate having assigned reading with deadlines. I read the plot synopsis because I am too lazy to read all the chapters (the height of laziness, let me tell you!). I didn't even read it until the period right before English. I suck! Glad to know there are other procrastiantors too, though.
Bad taste is like a nice dash of paprika. We all could use more of it. It's no taste I'm against. -Diana Vreeland
Oh i've heard of that book (never read it). the funny thing is that one of my coworkers back in high school was assigned that book and he found some website that did really good summaries of the chapters so he'd read a chapter in the book and then read like 3 chapter summaries from the website and then read another chapter in the book and so forth. He actually did pretty well on his test too haha!