I want to get my friend/coworker something for her birthday/break-up to make her feel a bit better. She just found out that her husband is leaving her for another woman. She is completely torn up about this. She's not sleeping,eating,functioning, anything. She is already sad but now getting really depressed because of her birthday and Valentine's Day. She has a one year old little gir. Any ideas on what might be a good gift to lift her spirits???
i don't know how much money you want to spend, but something to make her feel better about herself would def be good
ex: gift certificate for color/ cut at a nice salon
GC for mani/ pedi
maybe put together a basket with one of those and then some other fun things - some chocolates, blockbuster card, fun little hair clippies, a good book, a DVD or two that you like (avoid romantic comedies! )