bwahahahahaha!!!! That's okay. I still use my 5th grade teacher's trick to spell tomorrow. Tom Or Row. You'd think by now I'd have it down. Same for February. I always say Feb RU ary when I'm typing so I won't forget the extra R. I join you in your shame.
i'm usually a really good speller, but i used to mispell "separate" and my dad tuaght me when i was ten that there is always "a rat" in "separate" and i always think of it every time i write that word.
Um, those are some good tricks! Seriously, I was going to say I needed to go back to "elementary" and then hesitated- or actually just decided against it because I didn't want to have to check the spelling.
blubirde wrote: ... I always say Feb RU ary when I'm typing so I won't forget the extra R. ... I do this too. I also count on my fingers occassionally.
I am an engineer and I still count on my fingers. Probably not a good thing, since I am suppose to be good with numbers.
"Despite all your best intentions, sometimes, fate wins anyway."
bwahahahahaha!!!! That's okay. I still use my 5th grade teacher's trick to spell tomorrow. Tom Or Row. You'd think by now I'd have it down. Same for February. I always say Feb RU ary when I'm typing so I won't forget the extra R. I join you in your shame.
I'm going to remember that! I still always want to put one two Ms and one R.
I do the February thing too! My favorite trick is the multiplying by 9 one. If you want 9x8, hold down your 8th finger, you have 7 on one side and 2 on the other. 9x8=72. Works for all the 9's.
Bad taste is like a nice dash of paprika. We all could use more of it. It's no taste I'm against. -Diana Vreeland
HA, I was talking to a friend about this last night. I was telling her about how I still can't count by 7's to figure out what the date will be in a week. She taught 5th grade last year and they do a whole thing on calendar math where they learn all about patterns and stuff. She taught me this awesome trick to impress people:
If you want the sum of three consecutive (whew had to think about how to spell that) numbers, take the middle number and multiply it by three. Voila!
For example: 10+11+12=? Don't panic, just do 11 x 3. The answer is 33!
Know first, who you are; and then adorn yourself accordingly.
I do the February thing too! My favorite trick is the multiplying by 9 one. If you want 9x8, hold down your 8th finger, you have 7 on one side and 2 on the other. 9x8=72. Works for all the 9's.
You, my friend, are brilliant. I NEVER knew this worked and am now marvelling at my fingers and wishing I were back in the school so I could use this.
Wow! I don't feel like such a dumbass any more! You guys have nailed most of the things that I do which include the following:
The multiplication by 9 rule
Finding a different way to explain something in order to get around not knowing how to spell a word or if I don't know the exact meaning of a word.
Having to sound out Feb-RU-ary to spell it right
Singing the alphabet if I need to alphabetize something
Singing the song that alphabetizes all of the states (only I can't remember how the song goes after Massachussetts (which I don't know how to spell, btw)
The other thing I use is Touch Points. It's a more sophisticated way of counting one's fingers, essentially and we learned it in 1st grade. I still use it to this day. Basically each number has a set of points on it, so you touch the points (get it? that's why they call it Touch Points! ) and you just count up all the points. I do this even for the most simple of equations and it's really embarrassing.
All this reminds me that I tried doing long division recently and CANNOT for the life of me remember how to do it. Sheesh! To think someone gave me a college diploma!
NCShopper, same thing with the state song! Only I forget after Ohio. The way we sang it placed a real emphasis on it (like OhiOOOOOOOOOOOOO) and I can never remember what comes after that .
Bad taste is like a nice dash of paprika. We all could use more of it. It's no taste I'm against. -Diana Vreeland