I placed an order yesterday; My coupon did not work on it, so I called to cancel. I was told that a request for cancellation was put on that order and it would not process any further (meaning it wouldn't ship and I wouldn't get charged).
WTF happened???? Yeah, that's right, it shipped. Motherf*ckers.
Now I get to refuse the package when it gets delivered.
I also told the CS girl that I would be stalking my credit card account until it got refunded, and if it didn't, I'd be filing a claim (or whatever they're called) with my credit card company.
Well because I re-placed my order after calling them to cancel, I still have stuff coming. But, instead of the 2 orders that SHOULD be shipping (one shipped this morning), I now have 3 coming (one being the supposedly cancelled order).
Basic Timeline (in case I don't 'splain myself well): Placed Order 1; Coupon didn't go through, I supposedly cancelled it yesterday. Decided to place another order, Orders 2 & 3 las night, to re-place the cancelled order.
The only orders that should've shipped were Orders 2 & 3. Order 1 should never have gone through. It did and now Orders 1 & 2 have shipped and I'm still waiting on Order 3.
I want to kill them. I was assured TWICE yesterday that the first, original order I made would not go any further in processing. And it did. That means that almost $500 has now been charged to my credit card instead of the $170 that should've been.
I'm VERY glad that I put this on my Visa and not on my debit card; Now, if they don't refund me my money, I'll dispute the charge on my credit card.
i had something similar happen with j crew. something was supposed to be shipped overnight and it wasn't so they shipped another in addition to the one that was out there regular mail. then the wrong items came so it had to be shipped again. in all, i think i had like 5 orders. im sure the sales associate hated me when i returned all of the extra items to the store.
Yup, it is a giant pain. I'm paranoid about AE not refunding me, but I've got a CC dispute at my disposal should they not. I'm also collecting as much info as I can about the tracking numbers, phone calls, etc., so I have it to use if needed.
Yours sounds like it was a giant pain as well!
I'm already with my Sharpie, to write "REFUSED" in big letters, on tomorrow's delivery. Hopefully it'll all turn out okay and then I can really enjoy my order!
If you received free shipping on the order you cancelled, it may be worth accepting the package and returning the items to the store. That way you know you get your refund.
Nope, no free shipping on this one. I paid for 2-day delivery on the order, so that's $17, plus another almost $15 for taxes. Otherwise, I would just do a store return
Overall, the "cancelled" order total is $321...a complete nightmare....
I blame the CS at the Access Pass line for this too, since they're the ones who told me to fully place the order, saying the discount would come off after. If I hadn't of listened to them, I wouldn't be in this mess.