So the fire alarm just went off. Not the little beep-y smoke alarms that go off when you leave bacon on the stove a little too long, the big red industrial FIRE ALARMS that honk soo loud you can't hear yourself think and blind you with flashing lights . The ones that make you want to go outside, not because you're afraid that fire will soon engulf you, but just to escape the beeping!
Our apartment building contains 21 apartments - apparently if anyone sets of their smoke alarm the fire alarms in the ENTIRE buildings go off and automatically call the fire department (who I now hear coming down the street). What are the chances that everyone that lives here can cook without burning shit? Pretty low, obviously ....
So. Not. Cool.
/end rant.
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
oh i feel for you! my fire alarms in the building (which is an old house, so it's only five apartments) are totally rotten. and im actually being serious about that one...they were illegally rigged somehow by a previous owner of the building (not the landlord now!) and are all screwed up. for the longest time all the little fire alarms (everything is wired together somehow) have been beeping and you can't turn them off because it's electrical not battery. and then randomly the big whomping fire alarm goes off too. and nobody has to be cooking anything, it's just such a poor job of wiring and electrical work. but the new landlord finally was able to schedule time for the fire alarm fixer guys (who apparently are really busy because it took weeks to get them in here) and they fixed the problem. or actually, they installed completley new system that was shocker! legal! so, yes, elle, i feel for you. the whomping noise is horrible and no matter what you can't just ignore it, it's always there.
"But I want you to remember, I intend this breast satirically." Susan from Coupling
I totally feel your pain. When I was in my first year of college and I lived in the dorms, every week for about a month a month and a half the fire alarm would go off I think it was every tuesday. What made it even more annoying is that it would go off at like 4 AM. I was not very happy. I was on the 4th floor plus the noise and those freakin blinking lights gave me a headache. It was also the semester that i had a 7 AM class. Lets just say i was not amused.
I totally feel your pain. When I was in my first year of college and I lived in the dorms, every week for about a month a month and a half the fire alarm would go off I think it was every tuesday. What made it even more annoying is that it would go off at like 4 AM. I was not very happy. I was on the 4th floor plus the noise and those freakin blinking lights gave me a headache. It was also the semester that i had a 7 AM class. Lets just say i was not amused.
Oh, that was the story of my life for the three years I lived in dorms! I'll never forget the first week of my freshman year when this dumbass kid made ramen noodles on the stove but didn't add the water. Can we say sheltered???