As much as he can be an a$$ sometimes, I kind of respect him for doing his own thing and sticking with that. Didn't really like Emmett too much so no worries there.
How funny were those costumes they had to wear?
Not to be mean, but does it look like Chloe has gained some weight? She looked different this week.
Bad taste is like a nice dash of paprika. We all could use more of it. It's no taste I'm against. -Diana Vreeland
did you see when they were ice skating and doing the train thing, santino was holding onto emmett and pulled his pants down? i have been so irritated by santino's arrogance up until that point, but that made me laugh so hard and i softened to him a little bit.
it seemed like in this episode they were trying to portray santino as a little less arrogant (showing him joking around about his garment) which definatley made me like him a little more too. but he needs to find the balance between his designs and who or what he is designing for. seriously, if sacha cohen (was that her name?) hired him to design a new costume for her and he came back with that it totatlly wouldn't fly. which makes me wonder if he's being so non-complient for the cameras or if that's really who he is.
emmett was a total wet sponge and i'm glad he's gone.
Maybe it was just this challenge but I wasn't impressed by any of the designs.
I agree. I liked Daniels alright but that was about it. I couldn't believe Sasha Cohen would actually wear Zulema's design. I thought it was to risque for iceskating. I hope she doesn't wear it in competition.
I hope they go back to designing something interesting next week. Not that ice skating outfits aren't interesting but you know what I mean...
I was so expecting santino to be out! I was totally bummed when he wasn't. I actually really liked Emmitts- it may have been my favorite!
I swear some of them must have no idea about skating. The costume needs to be tight enough to show the line of the body- like ballet- it can't be all ruffl-y and feather-y!
I really liked this challenge. I'm a big skating fan and the costumes (other than Michelle Kwan's who wears Vera Wang) are always gross. Some desigers obviously just had no idea about skating. I thought Andrae's and Chloe's were both just as bad for skating as Santino's but he was the one who got in trouble while Chloe almost won. Chloe's just makes her look hippy and doesn't show the line of the body, while Andrae's is too loose and that boa thing would get in the way. I was also surprised they praised Chloe for her originality, I've seen a million dresses like that.
I think Santino had the best concept and it could've been totally beautiful, but he just went overboard. Although in this episode I think he realized that too. I think he is going to win it and that's why they're softening up. Sure he's not the best at designing an outfit for ice skating or Banana Republic, but when you're talking about who could actually make a line that offered something unique and valuable to the fashion world I think Santino is the only one.
I thought Zulema totally deserved the win on this one. Her design was by far the most beautiful and creative. It's classic looking and works for skating, but is classy and not something everyone else will be wearing. I also don't think it's too revealilng because even though the white squiggles don't cover much, the nude mesh does.
Zulema's was my favorite so I am glad she won. It seemed the most "Figure Skater" to me...
Also am glad that Emmet is gone... He didn't do much for me...
and i was proud of Santino for keeping his mouth shut on the runway when the Elle Chick and MKors were critiquing him. I agreed when MKors said "do you want someone who doesn't go far enough or someone who goes to far?" I have always believed in someone who goes to far b/c you can always reign them back in. I learned that from my theatre professors in college. They always preferred that you were always over the top creatively... and I can completely understand their logic last night in saying that.
the thing with santino is that he totally can't take constructive criticism. ultimately this doesn't matter, but i'm just like fine you're a creative genius. good for you. but don't go on a show like project runway and get all pissy when you're told your designs don't match expectations. he could have just done his own thing. but for pr you have to make your designs fit a certain mold, and if you can't (won't) do that, then why bother. some of his stuff has been just straight up fugly. that lingerie that he screamed at nina about -- that was ugly no way around it.
i'm n/s if he's going to make it to the final three. i feel like he's going to be the last cut b/f the final and it will end up being chloe, nick, and daniel. but i could be totally off. though if i were picking (and part of this is from a business perspective) i would take those three b/c they make clothing that's wearable & sellable. santino makes couture. it's fab, but i'm not sure how well it would in the real world.
has anyone checked out the auctions. i want to know who buys the stuff. i'd really love to see someone wearing something from pr.
Okay, I'm going to put in my 2 cents about each costume.
Nice but needs the belly covered up with the swirlies and more cup coverage. It's too revealing, Sasha doesn't want to look like no skank on ice!
The Zorro mask is hiliariously dumb! Boa thingy would get in the way, and I am not digging the assemetry (sp?). Seems like it would be annoying feeling.
Color is nice but hate the triangle cut! V-neck would be much better.
I don't like this at all. Plus it's so tight at the tummy, she is bulging. She is my least favorite model too.
I liked this one, though the skirt could have been a tad longer. Maybe if Emmett didn't use such a dark color? It's not grandmaish, damn, everything doesn't have to be revealing!
Dislike the dark color and one shoulder thing. I think the fringe skirt is fun.
This one is just blah and makes me ill just looking at it.
TONE IT DOWN! Seriously if he does this next week, he is so out!
i liked zulema's and thought she (or chloe) deserved to win, but i did think that the cut-out stomach area gave a tiny bit of an illusion that the model had a pot-belly, just because of the way it was cut. it would probably look better on sacha, because she is much shorter and has less expanse of stomach to cover, but still--it was a teensy bit unflattering on that particular model.
chloe's i thought was beautiful and she really hit the nail on the head with the challenge--she came up with something that was really different than what we always see, so it was innovative, but also really pretty and functional. she looked so sad on the runway at the very end--i hope someone told her later how very close she came to winning!
santino's was crazy and ugly, i thought--the colors did look like a turkey, like one of the judges said. the concept was kind of interesting, i thought, but he just way overdid it with the mass of fluffy junk on the back.
nick's was pretty, and so was kara's (imho). it's interesting how different they look in the still photos on the website--i saw those photos first and thought emmett's was really cute, but then in action on the runway, i realized why all the judges thought it was horrible--that glittery skirt looked like some kind of cheap-o rockette halloween costume. and nick's looks super-boring in the still photos, but on the runway it was really pretty and shimmery--i loved the multi-layered skirt and the aysymmetrical back.
daniel's was hideous (gross color, and it makes her look bulge-y because he placed the skirt too low--it hits below her hips instead of right on them), and so was andrae's (way too loose in the bodice).
i honestly liked chloe's design the best. i seriously cannot stand that flesh-colored material that is used on skating dresses. it's a a necessary evil — it always looks awful. zulema's IS a good design, i would have liked it more (perhaps over chloe's) if the stomach were covered more (or entirely) and the neckline came up a bit. it's SO low as is! the skirt is cute and the detailing is fantastic.
i'm glad that santino kept his mouth shut this week, but i agree with honey — i think he'll be the last cut before the final three. even if his attitute shifts, he's already burned his bridges.
LOL Yeah, I saw the last few min. of it the other day, and I too thought Santino would be out. I admire his passion, but some of his outfits are OUT THERE! I wonder what THIS WEEK's challenge will be, I'll be right there in FRONT of my TV.
"Until you spread your wings, you'll have no idea how far you can fly".
i saw daniel franco yesterday when i went to pick up my lunch at a cafe. i wanted to go up and say that i thought he did a great job, but he was in conversation over lunch with a friend at an outdoor table, so i decided to leave him alone.