Help, I'm sick! I have a mysterious illness that is causing me to throw up everything I eat. Other than that, I'm fine, but it's inconvenient and I'm hungry.
Things that I have thrown up... Kashi Heart to Heart with milk Rice Krispie treats Whole wheat pasta with olive oil and parmesan Chocolate cake
Things I have not thrown up... Whole wheat pasta with tomato sauce (although my stomach hurt a lot) Toast with honey and bananas Gingerale Seltzer
Looking at this list, I'm starting to think it's a milk reaction again. Anyway, anyone have suggestions if what they think I could eat?
The only thing I can think of right now is to stay away from Milk and maybe from Dairy altogther. Maybe try some pasta with just butter, soup. I wonder if pb&J would be alright?
maddie, have you spoken to a doctor yet? i don't know if your semester has started but there should be an on campus doctor that can help you or at least give you a referral, right?
Hmmm...that sucks. I wonder if this is a food allergy or another problem. You could try completely cutting milk and dairy products out of your diet for a few days and see if things get any easier with that. If it does seem like a dairy allergy, you'll want to figure out how you can deal with it long term and how to get the nutrition you need without those foods.
Also, this is going to sound weird, but if you haven't...ummm....pooped in awhile, something else could be going on. When I was in Costa Rica a few years ago this girl on my program got so constipated that she started throwing up everything she ate. Since nothing was leaving her body, her body just ran out of room to put stuff I guess and so she kept throwing up. She ended up going to a doctor who did an x-ray and gave her a strong laxative and the problem was solved. So, something like that may be going on.
I think if you cut the milk out and that doesn't work after a day or two, then you should probably visit a doctor or your health services at school. Hope you start feeling better soon!
Thanks, guys. I'll see what the dining hall has to offer tonight.
I haven't been to a doctor yet. I'm contemplating going to the health center soon. Everyone keeps telling me too. The reason I haven't is totally stupid. I think I brought this upon myself (I had a fairly "exciting" past week or so) and our health center is so judgemental so I don't really want to talk to them if I don't have to. Also, my mom had a similar problem and she had to get a colonoscopy, which is pretty much the last thing I want. So if it doesn't get better soon I will.
Thanks, guys. I'll see what the dining hall has to offer tonight. I haven't been to a doctor yet. I'm contemplating going to the health center soon. Everyone keeps telling me too. The reason I haven't is totally stupid. I think I brought this upon myself (I had a fairly "exciting" past week or so) and our health center is so judgemental so I don't really want to talk to them if I don't have to. Also, my mom had a similar problem and she had to get a colonoscopy, which is pretty much the last thing I want. So if it doesn't get better soon I will.
What do you mean by exciting? drinking or some other such activities?
Aha! I looked on webmd. Do you think it could be your gallbladder? I've had a few friends who've had gallbladder issues and they all had stomach problems as well.
If it is, get thee to a doctor, pronto! Those things are hella painful if you let them go on too long. Rush to the ER painful.
I'm staring to think it might be dairy though. I'm going to have to continue testing it. For dinner tonight I had a bagel (they're vegan) with margarine and Diet Coke. So far no problems. But maybe I'm just better? I don't know.
Oh if you are throwing up you need to stick with BRAT Bananas Rice Applesauce (not apple juice or apples) Toast (or crackers) Powerade or Gatorade Just until you finish throwing up and you are able to start keeping things down for a few hours.
exactly what i was gonna post...only i've heard that the T was for tea? obviously you can definitely have toast and crackers, they're totally bland, but no butter, no dairy at all, regardless of if you have a lactose intolerance issue or not.