one of my new year's resolutions was to read a "professional" book a month. as in, a book to help development my career.
Luv2Shop's post reminded me that i wanted to ask you guys about books specifically pertaining to business women and how they handled their careers in a "mans" world...
hmm I don't have any recommendations yet but my mom keeps telling me I need to do this too and how my dad has been reading a lot of work/career related books lately. He's been focusing on reading about working on teams and working in corporate america in today's time. I guess trying to go from the old ways into the new ways. I'll have to ask her specifically what he is reading and maybe one of those would be a good one to read or you can search on amazon for similar books.
what about biographies of important business women? that way you're sorta reading a fun book but learning something too. what business are you in/hoping to get into?
"But I want you to remember, I intend this breast satirically." Susan from Coupling
what about biographies of important business women? that way you're sorta reading a fun book but learning something too. what business are you in/hoping to get into?
That's a good idea. I know not everyone likes the apprentice and all but my mom did buy carolyn's book and she said it was really good. Especially how she worked hard and worked her way up to where she is today all while raising her family.
pitch like a girl: how a woman can be herself and still succeed- ronna lichtenberg
the tipping point
good to great- jim collins
brands that rock- roger blackwell
i'll be totally honest and admit that i haven't finished any of these books.. but i really liked the parts that i read:) the last one is more about branding but i think in your position it could be useful, and it is based on examples we all know (rolling stones, etc. ).. not to mention that roger blackwell is my marketing hero/best professor ever..
halleybird wrote: you could read Katharine Graham's Personal History. That woman had some cajones!
This one is great!! I read a lot and would recommend the following-I am in an extended stay place in Chicago and I don't have my library of books with me so these are just some off the top of my head but I will try and think of some more
High Fliers Good to Great The Walmart Decade Seven Secrets of Highly Effective Women* How to win friends and influence people Nice Girls Don't Get the Corner Office* Peanut Butter and Jelly Management* Maybe a biography on Andrea Jung or Carly Fiorina* Who moved my Cheese? Freakonomics Ram Charan stuff is good or Peter Drucker The World is Flat Jim Cramers-Real Money
I had to read a book a week practically for this fast track executive management program I was in --- It was hard to find books about women in business specifically, but I put a start by the ones that did.
You can find some good articles in HBR or Business Week or Fortune about women as well.
-- Edited by mikacat at 23:33, 2006-01-06
There are many languages, but laughter sounds the same in every one.
thank you thank you! i made a list of your suggestions on a word document and will try to work through them this year.
i specifically wanted ones that talked about being a women in a man's business world. as much as we want to think we have taken over- we haven't and i definitely sometimes lose self confidence when dealing with a bunch of old men in a business meeting (which i do 2x per month with about 60 per time!!!!)