I am going to make a loooong story as short as I can...

Since my 6 week postpartum check up I have been on the minipill (since I am still nursing this is the only birth control pill I can be on). I had the perscription filled at the CVS by me. Well - a week or two after that my insurance changed and CVS no longer took it - so I went to a local very small pharmacy to have them transfer the perscription.

Fine...no problem - I take the mini pill no worries...and last week I went back to refill the perscription. Well I noticed the pill he gave me was different...so I called him to verify I got the right thing - and he said that I did...I asked 3 times if it was the minipill and that I am nursing and he assured me he gave me the right thing.

So today I go to my ob/gyn and I said to her - I dont think this is right - aren't these sugar pills? (minipill doesn't have sugar pills) I swear her face went white - she said not only have I been taking the regular pill - but it has a VERY high dose of estrogen (which I shouldn't be having at all!!)

I am so upset - she advised me to call my pediatrician to make them aware and talk to them about it....not to mention I have been sooo sick this week - I took a pregnancy test yesterday because I thought for sure I was pregnant (negative thank goodness!) I had all the symptoms.

In addition I mentioned to my DH that my milk supply seems to have disappeared overnight (which is a problem since I am nursing twice a day still) - the dr. told me that is from the pill so I am not even sure I can nurse now because I dont think she is getting enough - if any milk!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

In the end my dr. said the pharmacist never even transferred the perscription - so he technically filled it without ANY paper work at all...oy!
My Dr. told me that she suspects he might not even be a real pharmacist - can you believe that?? She asked me all sorts of questions about him so she can look into the situation...what a mess...long story short I just hope it doesn't effect the baby (besides the nursing issue). I don't know whether to cry - or strangle the guy!!!!!