i have no point other than to whine about my terrible, unbelievably bad luck with dry cleaners.
after i paid 2x the actual cost of my stella mccartney for H & M cocktail dress on ebay, the dry cleaners have besmirched it with a large blue-ish purple stain (the color of dirty dry-cleaning solution) on the back/side of the skirt part. when i took it back to show them, the woman basically called me a liar and said i must have sat on something. hello, was i hanging out in an actual dry cleaning machine and waving my butt around?
they are re-cleaning it, attempting to remove the stain. the dress is irreplaceable, and i don't have high hopes that they will be able to fix it. sigh...at least i got two wearings out of it before it was ruined.
does this happen to a lot of other people, that their clothes get ruined pretty frequently at the dry cleaners? i would say about 1 in 7 or 8 of my pieces has to be thrown out after dry cleaning, which my mom thinks is a much higher-than-average incidence.
Wow that sucks I'm sorry. I have had a few sweaters pill slightly from dry cleaning at a cheap place, but nothing serious. I take my nicer items to a pricier place to avoid the risk.
me too, rocky. i have had such bad experiences over the years, that i have a whole range of different places i take my stuff. this one is a mid-range place that hadn't screwed anything up yet. i guess i should have sprung for the ultra-pricey one that charges me $25 to clean a cocktail dress. i wish i could go back in time and take it there instead. sigh...