I'm turning 21 in 8 days (January 11!) and I don't know what to do. Just wondering if you had any ideas as to what I should do and/or share with me what you did when you hit the big 2-1.
happy birthday. I had an accident in my boyfriends car, which I don't recommend. Then I waited for him to get off work, which I also don't recommend. Then I had a blast with my friends. Skip to the good part. Oh, and do something special that you used to do for yourself when you were little - for me it was spinning until I fell down, then making a wish. Ok, maybe it wasn't so hard to fall down, but it sort of marked the occasion better than anything else.
Hmmm....my 21st was something I strongly recommend NOT doing.
I attempted having 21 drinks in an evening, which was NOT A GOOD IDEA. It was a big thing at my school and my friends had all been moderately successful at it and I totally got suckered into it. I made it to 17 drinks I believe. I was so wasted that I couldn't even get into my bunk bed, so my roommate had to pull the mattress off the top bunk and onto the floor, which is where I stayed for the next 18 hours as I recouperated. My friends had planned a surprise brunch for me, but I was the only one that was unable to go because I was so sick (they all had brunch without me ). I have never been so sick in my entire life. I didn't stop puking til 6 pm the next night. It was awful. I had to call Health Services because I had these really sharp pains in my stomach and I thought I had torn my kidney or something () but no, I had just pulled a muscle in my stomach from barfing so much. It was horrible.
So, yeah, don't do that. Have a great time and a few drinks, but be careful!
I went to a club with friends and my husband (whom I had only been dating 2 weeks at the time). I did 22 shots, danced on the bar.. etc etc.. I had an excellent time.. and I didnt even puke! :)
well, on my 21st birthday, it was also my college homecoming weekend. so we had to get up early to do the sorority crap. so we started drinking at about 8am. i was passed out at about 1. but then i just wanted to keep on truckin' so i got up at about 5pm and went out with friends and partied. it was brutal. i have never had a worse hangover than i did the next day. i was throwing up all day long. horrible.
I feel sorry for people who don't drink. When they wake up in the morning, that's as good as they're going to feel all day. -Frank Sinatra
i had clinicals the next day that i had to wake up at 5am for, so needless to say, it wasn't the greatest, but i did go out to the bars with my friends the week after, and my bf flew up for the weekend and we had a great time.
i suggest a great meal with friends and then drinks/dancing later... that sounds like my perfect 21st.
"i tell you one lesson I learned
If you want to be something in life, You ain't gonna get it unless, You give a little bit of sacrifice, Oohh, sometimes before you smile you got to cry.." -The Roots
I bought some scratch off lotto tickets and went to dinner with some friends. I waited a few weeks for my one friend to turn 21 also and we went to a casino and played video poker for 2 hours on $5 (we couldn't lose the money fast enough to go home!) and the slots where i won $60!
It was the summer before my senior year in college. My family had actually planned a trip to Vegas over my bday. So I brought a friend with me. I always looked older so I had gambled countless times when I was underage so that wasn't a big deal, but I was so excited I could finallly check out the Vegas nightlife. On my actual bday, my family went to dinner at a really cute resturant in the Venetian. Then that night, my friend and I dressed really cute and went to the Rum Jungle at the Mandelay Bay (I'm sure it's the lamest place ever now, but it was cool then). It was alright but I met the hottest guy EVER... he was 28 and was from Sweden... he was the stereotypical tall, blonde and beautiful. He worked for Anderson Consulting (yes, this was when it still existed) and spoke better English then I did. We drank at the bar, and went back to the Ventian and played blackjack until about 5 in the morning. Then we made out... but only kissing so nothing too risque. It was the perfect birthday... Vegas, alcohol, gambling, and a hot Swede. And if anyone knows Arthur from Sweden, can you tell him to call me
My 21st was pretty tame by most standards but probably my best birthday ever. (I just turned 21 last January.) I was studying abroad in Oxford, England, so I had already been "legal" for two weeks before my birthday. I enjoy drinking but hate getting wasted, so that wasn't in the cards for me at all. My dad had to travel to England on business so he visited me my birthday weekend. The night before my birthday, he took my friends and I out to a pub, where we enjoyed amazing pub food and some great local beer. The night of my birthday, he took me out to this amazing Indian restaurant; we were the only people in the place. We stuffed ourselves on incredible food and shared a bottle of red wine. Then, I just went back to my apartment and hung out with my friends; we had chocolate and watched some girly movies. Like I said, pretty tame but so enjoyable, and I didn't have a hangover the next day!
I was in college and my ex threw me a party in his dorm. The whole room was crammed with people and there were balloons up to our waists. They made me a cake. I have it on tape.
Later that night my then-boyfriend was busy (don't remember why), and he usually would have watched over me. I basically bar-hopped and got completely wasted, drinking stuff I normally wouldn't. I was sick all night and my ex had to sneak into my all-girl dorm to take care of me well all night.
I had the worst hangover of my life the next day!!
I went to a casino. It was pretty fun and safe (money wise) since we only went with $100. And they have a very delicious buffet. I didn't drink at all.
I was the last of my friends to turn 21 so we had a week of festivities, plus my bday was on Memorial Day.
Sunday- Turned 21 at midnight and was at a local bar (we will call bar #1) had some shots and hung out with a small group of close friends.
Monday- Actual bday, since Memorial Day had people over for a cook out, volleyball, swimming, and beer . Got ready and went to dinner with about 30 friends (reservations). Then went to bar #2 where we had rented out the patio (a ton of people came by). I did the whole 21 shots thing and I do NOT recommend it. I had a ton of fun. We also did the book where I took a pic of every shot and signed my name along with the shot name and who bought it.
Tuesday- spent recovering and parents had to come get me because we thought I was going to die (we called my roommates uncle who is a doctor because not only was I very hung over, but my roommate gave me caffine pills (thought they were mylanta) and I can't have huge doses of caffine).
Wednesday- feeling much better, but was DD to bar #3 that were local hangouts (and where I was a regular pre 21 ).
Thursday- went to bar #4 where I did have some drinks and a great time just hanging out.
Friday- dinner and drinks with friends and to local bar #5.
Satruday- to a club with friends for the final party of hitting every bar that gave away free tshirts!!! Went dancing and had a wonderful time.
We call this week Heatherpalooza and talked about making shirts. I seriously considered it and love all the memories I had. Honestly though, just going out with a small group of friends to dinner and to a bar is the best idea. I almost thing too many people were included, but it was because I was one of the last ones. Also do NOT try the 21 shots thing. It was sooooo stupid looking back on it and I'm surprised I didn't get alcohol poisoning.
Have fun and happy early bday!!!
"Despite all your best intentions, sometimes, fate wins anyway."
Not sure if I have any ideas, but I do have a story!
My then-bf/now-husband threw me a party at his house (which was sweet but they basically needed an excuse to throw a party). I was disappointed because my friend was supposed to bring some basketball players (I am a huge fan of my alma mater's team and she was a tutor) but one of them supposedly thought I was cute and he didn't want to come when he found out my bf was throwing the party. I wish I'd met them, though, b/c they're both now in the NBA! I think my husband was more disappointed than I was, LOL.
My bf/husband had a fully functional bar at his house, so he offered to make me anything. Like the unsophisticated dork I am, I drank Midori sours all night. I don't think I was really drunk though -- maybe buzzed. I am not a big drinker normally, and I have only been sick-drunk once in my life (two months ago...ugh!).
Happy early birthday!
"We live in an age where unnecessary things are our only necessities." --Oscar Wilde
it was 1996 and I since my birthday always falls around Labor Day Weekend, the bar scene in my hometown of Tulsa was and is always random because people are out of town, at their lake houses or otherwise. I went to my same old bar with a live local music that I had been previously frequenting anyway with my bad fake id because my friends at the time were all under 21 and also had bad fake ids that wouldn't be accepted in many other bars. Or we just didn't want to risk them being taken away from us by venturing to somewhere that the staff didn't know us.
So...the most memorable thing about the whole night was that I took a shot of tequila for the first time ever, with the salt and lime and routine. I actually took it and it went down smooth. I felt like it was time to grow up and know how to take a real tequila shot instead of an easy lemondrop or a purple hooter. I did not get wasted that night either, which is odd for me who feels drunk after one shot of just about anything these days...and interestingly, a year later, the next and only other time I tried a tequila shot, it was NOT smooth going and after that I had a permanent aversion to Tequila shots.
-- Edited by lorelei at 22:45, 2006-01-03
"Go either very cheap or very expensive. It's the middle ground that is fashion nowhere." ~ Karl Lagerfeld