Does anyone else stay at home for NYE? My husband & I hate the crowds and the traffic and the expense, and none of our friends have parties. But I feel like we just end up sitting at home watching lame movies. Does anyone have any ideas to make it more fun? I tried suggesting a Scrabble marathon, but he wasn't up for it.
"We live in an age where unnecessary things are our only necessities." --Oscar Wilde
Possibly. My friends make plans atthelastpossibleminute so I'm not really sure. I wouldn't go out anywhere just because of all the crowds and drunk driving and I'm not really into the whole get drunk til you puke thing so unless someone has a smallish crowd for a chill type thing, I will probably be at home. I have no idea what I would do though. Online shopping marathon???
Bad taste is like a nice dash of paprika. We all could use more of it. It's no taste I'm against. -Diana Vreeland
i stay home every year, i actually haven't been to a new years eve party in years. 1. i hate bars, all that ciggarette smoke and mating ritual crap, 2. it's so much more expensive to go out this night, 3. crazy drunk people. generally, the bf and i rent a movie and play games all night. this year we are attempting mojitos instead of champagne but who knows because he tried them the other night and they tasted like butt. i love playing board games, too bad we aren't closer!
added later: is it just the scrabble thing he had a problem with, or would another game be better? do you need movie suggestions? are either of you drinkers? perhaps then you could attempt interesting drinks/dinner making.
-- Edited by relrel at 18:20, 2005-12-27
"But I want you to remember, I intend this breast satirically." Susan from Coupling
The BF and I used to go out every year, and now I'm just over it. Going to bars on NYE is like ameteur night IMO and I don't have a good time. Last year, another couple invited us over and we just played games, watched movies, ate, and had a champagne toast. I believe we are doing the same sort of thing this year. I'm w/you HB, I can't stand the crowds and expense. I think NYE is really overrated.
I don't mind staying at home for NYE, though we haven't done it in years - DH is very social and every time we get an invite, he wants to party and hang out.
Halleybird, maybe next year you could plan a trip to Atlanta...I *love* Scrabble and DH is also pretty good with it. We have a lot of other games too...y'all could just hang and we can be word nerds together. *s*
"Good taste shouldn't have to cost anything extra." - Mickey Drexler
added later: is it just the scrabble thing he had a problem with, or would another game be better? do you need movie suggestions? are either of you drinkers? perhaps then you could attempt interesting drinks/dinner making. -- Edited by relrel at 18:20, 2005-12-27
We aren't really drinkers -- sometimes at parties, etc., but never at home. I guess we could try to cook something. He's an amateur chef and I totally suck at cooking, so maybe he can attempt to teach me. Mostly I was just wondering what everyone else was doing at home.
"We live in an age where unnecessary things are our only necessities." --Oscar Wilde
We often stay home too. We feel like we go out a lot already. NYE seems to bring out a lot of people that don't typically go out, they maybe don't know club or bar etiquette, and that usually annoys me. If one of my friends has a party at their home, we might go. Otherwise we usually invite a few friends over for a few drinks and snacks.
I actually kind of like being at home. Our apartment is close enough to the location where the Seattle fireworks go off that our windows shake. I hate leaving my dog and cats home alone for stuff like that.
I agree w/all of you ladies, NYE is VERY expensive, too many drunk folks will more than likely be on the roads, and it's VERY overrated. I 'did' want to go out, I've gotten a few emails where it's like $25.00/couple, which isn't too bad, but still. I'd MUCH rather either go to a SIMPLE house party, or bring in the NY w/Joe, and get 'toasted' in the comfort of my own home! LOL
"Until you spread your wings, you'll have no idea how far you can fly".
I think we're kickin' it at home this year too. We went to DC last year for NYE for a private party with 300 of my very closest friends which was cool and all, but (and I'm going to sound like the biggest old person EVER) I couldn't hear anyone and everyone was drunk off their asses, so I'm kinda over it. My friends are doing it again this year, but it's $85 a head plus we would get a hotel instead of sleeping on my friends' hardwood floor like we did last year. Plus our anniversary is the 29th and we just got back from a trip and have another trip to the west coast coming up next week, so there's just too much expensive stuff going on now to justify it.
Anyway, we're thinking chinese takeout and champagne and board games/movies. Scrabble is our favorite too, so we'll probably have a good ole Scrabble marathon and watch the ball drop on tv (if we even make it up that late ).
NYE seems to bring out a lot of people that don't typically go out, they maybe don't know club or bar etiquette, and that usually annoys me
Indeed. We usually refer to NYE as "amateur night" and it really is...people who don't handle their alcohol well, and get obnoxious or have to be babysat.
NCshopper, I had no idea about Scrabble! I am thinking we should have a match (if it works out) when we are next in Raleigh. in March, I think. I'll send you the dates...woo hoo! I love Scrabble.
"Good taste shouldn't have to cost anything extra." - Mickey Drexler
NYE seems to bring out a lot of people that don't typically go out, they maybe don't know club or bar etiquette, and that usually annoys me Indeed. We usually refer to NYE as "amateur night" and it really is...people who don't handle their alcohol well, and get obnoxious or have to be babysat. NCshopper, I had no idea about Scrabble! I am thinking we should have a match (if it works out) when we are next in Raleigh. in March, I think. I'll send you the dates...woo hoo! I love Scrabble.
Yeah, we didn't get into Scrabble until pretty recently. We're pretty hooked now. We'll have to have a tournament when you guys come up next! Definitely PM me the dates whenever you figure it out. We should be around most of March, to my knowledge.
And yes, NYE is totally amateur night! It's just an excuse for people to go out and get hammered when they ordinarily wouldn't. The first year out of college there were 17 of us staying at my friend's apt and we ALL threw up that night. 2 bathrooms. 17 girls. It was terrible. And we were pretty hard core in college, but something about NYE made us all binge terribly and the next morning was awful. I never want to do that again!!!
NYE is overrated. This year it looks like it's just going to be my, DH, and my best friend hanging out at home since none of us are into that "pay $100+ to have to deal with obnoxious drunk people" thing. We'll probably make a bunch of appetizers, get a bottle or two of champaigne, and play board games/watch movies. That's what my family always did as a kid too, and it's kind of fun to just have a lazy night.
Most likely I will be at myself. I have to work until 11:30, so am practically forcing my BF to hang out with a bunch of friends he hasn't seen in a long time from our college town. He still doesn't know if he wants to leave me, but I told him to since I know he really wants to go out and see some of his friends.
I guess I won't be completely alone. I have my two cats, whom I believe are better than a lot of people.
If he were to stay in town, we would end up staying home since I have to work so late. Probably lots of champagne drinking! It is nice to know that there are other peole who think staying in is a cool idea too, since the bars and clubs are always crowded and expensive on NYE. I think right now, my ideal NYE would be to have some friends over and play Cranium and Catch Phrase. I love board games!
we don't really go out for new years. last year we stayed home and had a friend over. i cooked vegetarian paella (better than it sounds! but i've never had it with meat) and we watched a few movies. usually i am in bed by 10:30 or 11. this year our house is getting serious work done, so it's too much in disarray to have people over. my sister is having a (small) party, so maybe we might go to that....but she lives an hour away and i hate to think of driving on that night.
This year, we are spending new year's with another couple and I forgot to ask them if they like Scrabble. Crap! Oh well, if they don't, they can sit and watch my hubby and I play
Anyway, in the past few years, we usually got a group together and made dinner at someone's house. The DH loves to cook, so we get some really nice bottles of wine and have a food fest. We always play a group game like charades or bingo. Sounds corny, but it's a laugh riot.
Another time my hubby and I went to our favorite restaurant for dinner around 8, then came home around 10 and hung out until midnight. I think I was asleep by 12:15.
so funny that so many people feel this way! I hate going out on NYE! It's way to expensive and dangerous and all those drunk people, no thanks! Usually DH and I go out to dinner at this funny Mexican restaurant really close to our house, then watch the ball drop on tv and eat and drink champaigne. We had a couple who came with us last year and we played cranium when we got home.
This year a friend of mine from HS is having a small party really close to our place, but I am still not looking forward to the "crash wherever on the floor" part of the night. But I really don't want to chance anything driving home. I guess we will just have to be lame and bring a bunch of pillows and blankets.
omg - I'm so glad I'm not alone. Honestly, and I hate to be a party pooper, but I despise New Year's Eve. I don't like the hoopla, the expectation, the crowds of people, the stupid ball dropping (what is the point of that thing anyway??), the drunk asses on the road, and the damn new year's kiss. I know I sound like a scrooge here but honestly, who came up with this whole thing?
This year I think a group of friends are coming over to my house (just a few) and we'll drink a bit and... do what? I don't know. Sit around and talk? Is that boring? I don't know. I only am suggesting people come over to my place (frankly) so I don't have to go out.
I have no clue what to do actually! Board games are cool but 1) my closet friend and her husband aren't into them AT ALL and 2) I don't have any. I have vodka though. Lots and lots of vodka (all recent bday gifts, for some odd reason). Maybe everyone can just bring some kind of potluck thing and a bottle of something. I can supply the place, utensils, and cocktails. But entertainment? I might suck out.
(Of course, I'd like to have a poker tourney that night but only a handful of friends would be up for it.)
I have no clue what to do actually! Board games are cool but 1) my closet friend and her husband aren't into them AT ALL and 2) I don't have any. I have vodka though. Lots and lots of vodka (all recent bday gifts, for some odd reason). Maybe everyone can just bring some kind of potluck thing and a bottle of something. I can supply the place, utensils, and cocktails. But entertainment? I might suck out. (Of course, I'd like to have a poker tourney that night but only a handful of friends would be up for it.)
Sounds like a night of drinking games!!!!!!! I never, Kings, Quarters, Asshole....oh, you guys could have a ton of fun!
I never, Kings, Quarters, Asshole....oh, you guys could have a ton of fun!
I always lose Never Have I Ever. (If you can imagine! And by lose I mean end up drinking, all the freakin' time. I think it should be reversed. If you're lame and HAVEN'T done the thing, you should have to drink. Obviously, those are the people who need the liquid encouragement, right??)