I don't know if you have time, but oriental trading (oriental.com) is great for bulk buying and has stuff for all occasions. Other than that, dollar stores or the favor sections of party stores would probably have some cute stuff that's inexpensive. And there's a dollar section in Target (by one of the entrances) with really cute dollar stuff.
Oh, go to the dollar section at Target, not dollar stores! They have actual CUTE stuff that does not look cheap. Christmas cd's, silver bead necklaces, little games etc.
I second the dollar store idea. I went to a game night once and where the hosts got prizes from the dollar store and they were fun, non-cheap looking, unique little gifts. Some of them were pretty useful as well (i.e. some of the guy stuff). Target is an option too, but you might not find anything good in there dollar spot. The one near my house is always really picked over.