I am so incredibly bored and unmotivated at work lately - for the past 2 weeks or so. I think it might have to do with the holidays coming up. I'm so excited about all of that stuff that I just don't want to be here right now..... Plus, I'm taking December 19th-27th off from work.
Anyone else having trouble focusing on what they're supposed to be doing?
I am having the exact same problem. First of all, it's super slow here, probably because the holidays are nearing, so I have barely anything to do. And yes, I am having trouble finding the motivation to do any of the work I actually have. I'm off Dec 23 - Jan 2, I cannot wait! Every day up until then I know I will just want to call in sick
Ditto! It's so slow most people are already taking off or just doing as little as possible until their vacation comes up. I'm so unmotivated! It's not just you :)
Yup! I think it's the time of year. People are slowing down their workloads, so there's less to do at work and more that needs to get done outside of work. It's hard to focus and it's hard to stay excited when there's not much to do. I can completely sympathize. Is there any way you can take a few half days? Maybe that would help.
I feel the same way, it's so hard to get motivated. It's hard to be stuck at work when there's so much I could be doing, like decorating, shopping, taking a nice long nap, watching movies...5:00 can't come fast enough!