I am SO SO mad right now because of what they are trying to do with my bf. He is in the Teaching Fellas program (like teach for america i guess) and after training, those that don't immediately find jobs are placed in the teaching reserves, where they either sub or go to areas that desperately need positions immediately. They tell them that they can still interview and look for another position. So my bf started working somewhere that needed someone, and they basically made him an employee without him agreeing to it. So he tells the principal he has an interview with another school, and she REFUSED to let him go, and said if he goes on monday, she will slap his record with the word "Abandoment" and he'll never teach in NYC again. She keeps saying, you CANT leave, you're great with the kids, blah blah. I'm sure my bf is an amazing teacher and it makes me so mad that she's fighting with him over this, and possibly taking away a great teacher from a system in dire need of people/teachers that care just because she's selfish and deceptively snuck him onto their payroll without telling him that he was now a permanent employee of that school. He told me that he almost broke down today, for the first time since he was 7. I"M SO ANGRY, how f*ed up is this??!! My bf is a great guy and deserves to be happy. Its a sad, sad thing, the way these schools are being run. And now its leaving a bad taste in his mouth too, and i'm sure part of him just wants to be like, F*ck it. He's been calling people all afternoon trying to get advice. I just want him to be happy and for him to get to choose where he works like the rest of us. I think a lot of us take that for granted.
is he part of the union yet. i know there is a union for nyc teachers, and i would suggest he contact his union rep. also i think his boss is just trying to mess with him b/c she assumes that since he's young he must also be stupid. i highly doubt that she can blackball him for going on an interview.
if i were your boyfriend, i'd be scared too but in the end i'd call her bluff and explain the situation to prospective employers in a very brief manner--as in "i'm seeking other employment and my current employer values me so much she's trying to do everything in her power to keep me. while i'm flattered by her faith in my abilities, i feel i'd be better suited for this job because of x,y, and z reasons."
oh and i totally agree with honey's assessment. what a conniving b*tch.
ETA: just re-read my post, i meant the principal's a conniving b*tch, not honey--honey's a total sweetheart!