I won't call her a co-worker because she works in a different department on the same floor as me. Friday I had my wishlist & magazine clipouts out from my fashion binder on my desk. I was turned away from my desk while I was chatting with my fellow co-worker. Another fashionable co-worker stopped to look at my fashion binder and was really impressed. Along with her was another woman, who dresses like a complete slob every single day. The woman, maybe in her mid 30s, snaps at me with this disgusted face and says, "What is that?!". So I go on to explain to her (with the help of my understanding co-workers) that I save cute outfits from magazines & websites (StyleThread) and create a shopping wishlist, instead of carrying all my magazines around. She says, (still with her face in shock & disgust), "Why would anyone do such a thing". I started feeling like a complete idiot & started making excuses & I explained that it really wasn't a big deal & didn't spend most of my time thinking fashion (I lied). She walked away like I was some sort of freak. My co-workers tried to make me feel better by saying, "there's no way someone who puts no effort into themselves everyday would understand", but I just can't get her expressions & words out of my mind! She didn't even make an effort to hide her feelings or thoughts! I would never do that to anyone, nontheless, someone I don't know or speak to, regardless of what their hobbies are.
Just wanted to share how inconsiderate & rude this person was.
When she asked, "Why would anyone do such a thing" you should have replied, "So I don't walk around looking like you (a slob)" I know that that response *probably* isn't the best idea for someone at work, but at least you can think it!
I hate when people make comments like that. Rude, rude, rude.
She was so rude! My last roommate was like that. I once said I'd learned a new mascara technique and she started almost yelling at me saying "Don't you think there are more important things to think about. C'mon, admit it. You should be... blah blah blah..." but by the time she left, she was trying out six new mascaras to find one that combined waterproof with curling and long-lasting. It was great!
Some people really act like they have something to be superior about because they look like shit. But I think they're the ones that don't have their lives together enough to really enjoy living. So they get all uptight about looking impressive by being smart. Which is just as shallow as if we were buying the cute bags just to impress other people (and not for the life-affirming benefits of cute bags).
Grrrrrr! I HATE people like that! Honestly IMO, it sounds like she's really intimidated by you and your style-savviness, and putting you down is her way of trying justify to herself that she looks okay dressing like a slob. We all think your awesome !
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
I couldn't agree MORE; Joe also doesn't understand my fascination w/fashion (clothes/shoes/jewelry/etc.), so..... I think that lady was just BEING UGLY.......
LMonet wrote:
Grrrrrr! I HATE people like that! Honestly IMO, it sounds like she's really intimidated by you and your style-savviness, and putting you down is her way of trying justify to herself that she looks okay dressing like a slob. We all think your awesome !
"Until you spread your wings, you'll have no idea how far you can fly".
I think what you saw was her being 100% insecure about herself. People ONLY put other people down to make them feel better about themselves. There is no other reason.
She dresses like a slob probably because she feels like she's too old, too fat, or too...whatever to put an effort into how she looks. She probably feels like even if she did dress up and try to look nice that it would be a wasted effort and no one would notice. Which is just sad, really.
Don't let her get you down. She's insecure and just projecting her doubts about herself onto you.
I cant the nerve of her, how rude, well like the ladies say you are fab and you dress great, just look at the outfit you came up for me using things I already have.
I have learned to pay absolutely no attention to the comments of people I do not care about. Seriously. I used to get upset when stupid people made dumbass comments about what I was doing, wearing , etc. Now I just ignore. And I don't defend my actions to these people either.
I am sorry you are upset, BQ, but really, does this "person" matter???? I mean, yeah, we all matter, we're all humans, blah,blah, but does she??