hey ladies.. Since Stephanie asked.. I thought I would update you all on my week. (Frank and DH specifically) I am just going to copy and paste what I wrote to her to save a few minutes..
hey girl! Yes, Frank was able to come home Wed night. He is doing slightly better. the doctor said it could take months for the jaudice to go away and stuff. He is on a TON of medication. It prob takes us about an hour or two every day to get him to swallow the pills etc. Also, he has started to eat some chicken on his own.. but isnt eating enough food on his own.. so we are force-feeding watered-down food with a syringe. It is a LOT of work. But we've come this far and we aren't about to give up on him now! He pretty much sleeps in bed all day, but thats how he was before!
And DH is doing well.. He is pretty depressed about his truck. He is borrowing a friend's extra car until the insurance company gets moving and gets him a rental. He never went to the doctor (despite me asking a million times). He can be so stubborn! But his neck stopped hurting after the first day and hasn't had any issues since. A big pro of driving a big-ol' SUV around.. They really are soo much safer! The truck was towed to the body shop and we are waiting for the insurance company to give further instructions..
We really have had a ton of crazy things happening lately. From getting stuck on the cruise, Frankie, the accident. I miss normalcy! Anyway, thank you soo soo much for your concern. This is exactly why I love this board! I hope you are right about the good things coming our way.. We are totally having a stroke of bad luck! It just makes me realize how perfect we are together though.. All these things are hard to deal with especially for only being married 6 months!
Thanks girls for all your support and concern.. I really believe positive vibes from all of you really can make a difference! After all, what doesnt kill you makes you stronger!
Are you waiting for your insurance or the other person's insurance? either way, that sounds completely unacceptable to me. Didn't the accident happen at least a week ago? One way or the other you need to call your insurance and tell them to straighten it out (if it's the other person's insurance, yours should be getting the ball rolling)
when i got hit last month (still in a rental!!) my car was towed that night, and in a rental the next day.
i'm getting pretty peeved at thinking you guys are waiting around - that's not what you've been paying your insurance premiums for!
Hey lady - Are you waiting for your insurance or the other person's insurance? either way, that sounds completely unacceptable to me. Didn't the accident happen at least a week ago? One way or the other you need to call your insurance and tell them to straighten it out (if it's the other person's insurance, yours should be getting the ball rolling) when i got hit last month (still in a rental!!) my car was towed that night, and in a rental the next day. i'm getting pretty peeved at thinking you guys are waiting around - that's not what you've been paying your insurance premiums for!
I certainly agree with you. I am pretty sure her insurance co is dragging their feet. The accident was Sunday.. We called in the report to our insurance on Monday.. Waited til Tuesday for a call back from someone in claims.. Wednesday, our insurance co came to the house and towed to the car to the body shop of our choice. And we didnt hear anything from anyone yesterday. A lady from our insurance was supposed to go evaluate our Truck sometime yesterday. I told DH that he HAS to call today, if he doesnt hear from anyone.
The insurance co of the lady who caused the accident called Jack on Monday afternoon and asked him some questions.. The guy was very rude and almost accusing him of causing the accident, when the police report clearly says otherwise. Our insurance co said that if we wanted to hurry things along.. they would pay for the damages and we would be responsible for the deductable.. then when her insurance finally paid we would get our money back. So this is still an option, if we want things done quicker. Also.. we dont have rental on our policy so we would HAVE to pay for it.. Thats why we are waiting for her insurance co. to get us a rental car, so we dont have to fork out cash for that right now too.
Accidents just couldnt be a bigger inconvenience!
BTW, we have Erie Insurance the bitch who caused this mess has Encompass!
Good heavens, you guys have had a rought time lately! It seems like you can't catch a break!
I'm sure things will start turning around here soon. Your kitty already is making progress, so I'm sure everything else will too. I have to tell you I admire you guys so much for helping your cat. Vet bills are expensive and so many people get pets without considering the financial burden they might cause. You guys are amazing for seeing to it that your cat gets treated--it sounds like Frank got an amazing family.
I was rear-ended over a month ago and I'm still in a rental... the insurance company (of the girl who hit me) sent me a $600 check for damages, when in fact, the mechanic who's taking care of me assures us it's totalled. So frustrating ! It seems like a lot of us have been involved in accidents recently. Weird ... I'm glad we're all ok, though.
I'm SOOO glad to hear that Frank is home. I'll bet he will recover better at home, surrounded by everything/one he loves and that makes him happy. How happy is your other kitty that Frank is back? Very, I'm sure. Keep us posted on his progress!
Ditto to what Cricket said: too many cray things have happened to you, so your life will soon return to normal... probably even better than normal, since you've been dealing with so much .
Keep us updated with the whole insurance thing, I'm really interested to know. Sorry that your husband is so upset about his truck (but thank goodness he was in it, because he probably was much safer), but if damages are beyond repair, he'll just get a better one that he loves even more .