I have the cold from hell.my eyes burn,my throat hurts,my face hurts and I"m stuffed up.I have a fever with chills and a headache and to top that all off I'm coughing up yellow mucus.
The best is I'm stuck at school untill 5:00 pm.I don't know if I shuld call my doctor and try to get in,and just leave my last class early?
thanks for letting me whine and sorry if my spelling sucks,I'm just to sick to care right now.
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Hey cat, I'm right there with you!!! I called in sick today, which I rarely do. I have a sore throat, congestion, and my neck aches so bad I can barely move my head. Muscle aches too. Blech.
I'd say skip out of school early and get some rest. Hope you feel better!
i've been fighting off a cold, too--with echinacea and tylenol cold. it's pretty mild, but annoying. i think it would be worse if i hadn't had a flu shot a few weeks ago. feel better, cat. maybe if you just skip one class, so you can go home and sleep?
I would get to your doctor. I remember reading something about colored mucous being a sign of infection. Clear mucous would be related to allergies, etc.