Talia is so cute!!!!! How do you stand having such an adorable little person in your home all the time?? I would just want to look at her all the time and get nothing done. Thanks for posting new pics! She is a doll.
She's so gorgeous... she looks just like a little doll in that last picture! I love her smile, and those eyes, and that hair... I love everything about her. She's perfect!!
JMR-Okay, whenever I see babies and people say 'oh, she looks just like you,' I look at the little cute, bald, chubby baby and then at the adult and see no correlation. BUT-She most certainly does look like you! You both have the same eyes and something in her face shape looks just like yours. So cute, please don't stop posting pics!
I am doing great-I feel terrific, I am having a great time with Talia - we are getting out a little more, and she is sleeping better so I am not really sleep deprived, which helps. It is so amazing how much she has changed in 7 weeks...it's fascinating to watch.
We had some professional pics taken on sunday-when I get those I will post them :)
okay, i have only seen a few pics of you that you've posted and my immediate reaction when i saw these pictures was, "OH MY, she looks just like her mama!"