I am trying to plan a surprise for my hubby for our 1 year anniversary. I would love to do a showing of our wedding DVD, just the two of us in the theatre, dinner, champaigne. But I don't know if they can show DVD's or just film.
Any other ideas for how to go about this? Or any other ideas on a romantic surprise ideas?
I worked at a theatre for 4.5 years (Just quit this May). As far as showing a DVD, I know at my theatre that wasn't possible just because the projectors only showed film; There was no way to play the DVD through it.
Just in general though, you are able to rent out an auditorium for yourself, but you have to buy out every single seat (at corporate ticket prices, not local) in that auditorium in order to have it all to yourselves. It would be pretty expensive to do that (like in the thousands $$).
I'm with Erin on this also; Do you have a theatre (for plays, not movies) that is small that you would be able to rent out instead?
Wow, I never thought about it that way, buying every seat, yikes!
I also have another idea, our good friend works at a park district with a pool outside. I know some park districts have "movies at the pool" night where people come to the pool and watch a movie, kind of like the drive in, and maybe he could set it up just for us since the pool is closed for the season? I am going to try that.
Any other ideas for a great anniversary gifts or surprises?