I know several of you have officially or unofficially announced a pregnancy erin, trisarahtops, itsapinkthing, seems like someone else & i think I know, but hate to say wrong....
Just curious how you are feeling & how it is going? Maybe we need a single thread like the wedding one so we can keep up with all of your due dates!
ETA - i'm not asking this to make people "come out" - I just like to kind of keep track in my head who said they were & how they are....just wanted to clarify.
-- Edited by laken1 at 17:05, 2005-10-11
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad
I am 12 1/2 weeks...due April 20...I am feeling pretty crappy...neasous all the time and very tired...Getting dressd in the morning to go to work is the hardest, my regular pants are tight and maternity clothes are too big...ahhhhh
My estimated due date is May 10th. That's just based on the date that I gave them as the first day of my last period. I couldn't remember the exact date so I just kind of guessed and I think the actual day was a week or two earlier than the date I gave them, so my due date is probably toward the end of April. My first OB appt is on Friday so they should be able to tell then.
Generally I've felt pretty good. I'm tired and nauseous all the time but I haven't had any real sickness, so I'm very grateful. Thanks for asking, laken1!
about 15.5 weeks. after a (long) spell of feeling like shit, i feel pretty good right now!
i am kind of in-between on clothes. most of my clothes still fit, but the pants are uncomfortable, so i have been opting for maternity stuff instead.
my due date is april 3rd.
i am done with work in two more sweetsweet months (love what i do, hate where i work). i wanted to take a few months to myself before the time is no longer mine. i will find out what we are having early next month, and i'm SO psyched.
kinda scared about labor, esp since the idea of both epis freaks me out. (epidural and episiotomy) BUT i (accidentally) burnt my arm with a blowtorch in metalsmithing class along time ago, so i figure nothing could hurt worse than that. im not trying to be some hardass by not wanting an epidural, but i REALLY don't like the idea of not being able to move my legs. thankfully the hospital i am delivering in is pretty big, so if i decide/scream for one later, it's not a problem.
there's my tmi quota for the day, but always happy to provide more!
erin, you sound like me in my first pregnancy LOL.. i was SOOO against the epidural because I was very freaked out about not being able to move my legs, but actually, you can move your legs, they just feel very heavy. Trust me girl, with all that pain during labor, you are not going to want to feel your body :)
Erin: Just a note. If you do want to go the natural labor route, make sure everyone knows...and that is it on the chart. I went the natural route but even up until the last minute before I delivered, there were nurses trying to talk my husband into talking me into getting an epidural. And also watch out for the episiotomy. You WILL have to discuss this with the doctor and make your wishes known. They (imo) probably get an extra kickback for each one they do...the doctor I had tried to do one after I had already delivered the head! Craziness!
Whatever decision you make, stand firmly behind it and make sure everyone knows what you have chosen.
I'm due 2/14. I'm feeling pretty good lately all complications aside. I'm just grateful to have gotten where I am I guess. Plus lately I've been so focused on doing things in the house I have not even really though about it.
We've confirmed it's a girl. I guess I am fearful not that I may have to have a C-section. i had my first "naturally" with an epi. I'm the type who like to know what to expect. But they say either way every time is different.