Her name is dusty...she's not feeling to photogenic (sp?) she is siamese and something else (forgot the breed) she wieghs 19 pounds.........I guess now I don't feel so bad about my weight. Maybe her and I can go to gym together.
Love those blue eyes. I have a cat who has those blue eyes and everyone judst thinks they are beautiful. As for going to the gym, if cats could work out I would have two workout buddies--they are both fat cats!!
She looks so cute! So tell us how you ended up with another child.....
Well it started about 9 months ago when a I forgot to take my BC .......just kidding
Anyhow my BF knew this couple who were moving and couldn't take the cat w/ them.I guess they had search for a new owner w/ no luck.So of course they would have had the take her to a shelter a we know would could happen there. So I decided I would take her...even though my place is tiny. My other cat is going to hate this.......at least for a little while.