My grandpa is having his second bipass tomorrow (first one was 24 years ago!!). He has 5 blockages and it is suppose to be a pretty complicated surgery this time around so keep him in your thoughts for me. Anyway, I am wanting to send him a care package for when he gets back home- I can't be there because I work in a different state and went home when he first went into the hopsital (we thought he would have surgery then). So far I am sending him some old western dvds (movies (recs appreciated) and Gunsmoke, Andy Griffith, Bev Hillbillies), pj pants, hard candy (sugar free kind), and some cd. I am at a loss for other things. He will be stuck on the couch/bed for awhile since he will be recovering and I want to give him things to do. He doesn't really read or do crosswords or anything like. Any suggestions? Thanks!!!
"Despite all your best intentions, sometimes, fate wins anyway."
My grandpa loves playing card and casino games on the computer. I know he would be so bummed and bored if he couldn't play. Maybe get him some of those hand held games. Poker, Hold'em, blackjack. They make some with all the games on 1! If he isn't much into cards or casino games, they have ones like Wheel of fortune, movie trivia, etc. Hand held games are nice and small and if you find a good one, you can play it forever!
HeatherLynn, I will be keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers. Don't really have any suggestions, but I think what you have so far is great. What a sweet granddaughter!
Does he read? i don't know how old he is or how well he can see, but my grandpa likes large-print books (they're much easier to read). Reader's Digest also comes in large print. Or maybe a book on CD if he's not feeling well enough to read.
I know handheld games were suggested, but how about a deck of cards? Then maybe you can get him one of those lap desks so he can play solitaire? A lap desk is a good idea anyway for his meals and stuff.