As you all know, I had a recent disaster with moving. According to the application, if I don't take the apartment (which I didn't), the complex must refund my deposit. I contacted them a month ago and they responded by telling me that since the other two roommates took a two bedroom in the complex, that I would have to get my portion of the deposit back from them. I contacted them and heard back from the one saying that they would send me a check ASAP. It's been 20 days and I haven't received anything. I contacted them again today and didn't get a response. I'm getting pissed. How can I get my money back? They are freeloading off of me right now with the security deposit! My commute is too long and gas is too expensive to lose money right now.
I have a law student friend who said to threaten them with small claims court. Any thoughts? Can I get my money back from the complex? Help!! I need this $$ back. These girls are little beyatches. I'm never, ever, ever, ever going to have a roommate again!!
Can you stop by the apartment? Pull the friendly, "I was on my way home from work and thought I'd just stop by and get my check..." If they still don't give you the check, then do the court thing. It's a pain, but you deserve your money back.
I would totally do this if I knew which apartment they ended up in. But the complex has gated entry and that would be impossible.